Racist Repubs was a concept started years ago in liberal colleges and universities, and it has taken a foothold on today's generation!
The liberals wanted to tie racism to the GOPs, and they have done a great job of this. However, they, the liberals, can't seem to reckon the truth that it was the GOP party and a GOP POTUS that ended slavery.
The lies perpetrated by others will, if not stopped, cause problems for a long time! Just look at some of the race baiters on this board. They are confident in their accusation that all white Republicans, and Baptist's white Republicans, are racists! They say this because this was all they were taught to believe while growing up.
Too bad they can't think for themselves, but if they made it this far, I doubt that they will ever be able to get past the poisonous propaganda they were fed. They drank the kool aid; they liked the kool aid, and now they crave the kool aid. How sad and tragic, but this is what we allowed are institutions of academic excellence to subtly, weave into the fabric of educational values, and only time can reverse this belief by changing the institution of education and allowing young people to think for themselves!