I was in a convention where lip service was given to believing the Bible. They would openly proclaim they believed the Bible but when it came time to doing something they were not anywhere to be found.No argument here. I am bitter as my wife and I have suffered much over the years. What really makes me so upset is that others can't see..., no..., absolutely refuse to see the harm they cause. I question their salvation.
Since the time I had a lot of trouble with antagonists in a church I pastored and people gave lip service to believing the Bible, I have read some good books on the subject of antagonists in the church.
They are:
The Peacemaking Pastor: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Church Conflict by Alfred Poirier
Clergy Killers by G.Lloyd Rediger
Antagonists in the Church by Kenneth Haugk
Wounded Minister, The: Healing from and Preventing Personal Attacks by Guy Greenfield
Character Assassins: Dealing with Ecclesiastical Tyrants and Terrorists by Peter Hammond and Brian Abshire
The church is a place where antagonists can be welcomed and gain an audience. Whereas in the workplace they would be terminated. Too many do not see antagonists as those who are out to destroy and the leaders in a church must protect the flock from the wolves (antagonists).
Antagonists can wreck an otherwise good pastor and congregation. Typically they are people who troubles in other areas of life and if given the opportunity would cause trouble in other places too.