Of course, if anyone is unfamiliar, the Australian Liberal Party is Australia's right wing, the Australian Labor Party being their left wing.
Similar to the names of the Japanese political parties.
They describe themselves as center-right while the Labor party describes itself as center-left. It looks like they do lean ywards conservative but are much more centrist than America's Republican party.
Liberals believe in freedom of choice and a “fair go” for all. Only in a society where
individuals are free to pursue their individual goals can tyranny be avoided. Only in a society
where opportunity, initiative and personal responsibility are fostered can prosperity be
attained. Freedom can only be meaningful if individuals have the opportunity to participate,
to achieve and to develop their talents. Respect for the individual implies tolerance of others.
This is why Liberalism is the enemy of privilege, sectional interests and narrow prejudice.
We believe in:
- In equality of opportunity, with all Australians having the opportunity to reach their full potential in a tolerant national community.
- In a just and humane society, where those who cannot provide for themselves can live in dignity.
- In parliamentary democracy as the best system for the expression and fulfilment of the aspirations of a free people.
- In the rule of law and justice, giving all citizens equal rights under the law, responsibilities to
maintain it, and the freedom to change it.
- In Liberalism, with its emphasis on the individual and enterprise, as the political philosophy best able to meet the demands and challenges of the 21st century.
- Work with non-government agencies to advance less developed nations and promote human rights;
One of the defining features of our nation has been its commitment to
social equality. The distinctive egalitarianism of Australians is reflected in attitudes which have become part of our social fabric - the
disdain for rigid class structures, the celebration of mateship, a belief in a “fair go” and an
uncompromising commitment to democratic freedoms - as well as in the development of our institutions: universal suffrage, the early enfranchisement of women and the trade union movement.
These are counterbalanced with more conservative principles.
- In the innate worth of the individual, in the right to be independent, to own property and to achieve, and in the need to encourage initiative and personal responsibility.
- In the creation of wealth and in competitive enterprise, consumer choice and reward for
effort as the proven means of providing prosperity for all Australians.
- In Government keeping to its core business and not competing with the private sector.
- Liberals support the family as the fundamental institution for the raising and nurturing of children and for making each individual an integral part of society
- Australian federalism reflects the fact that, while some tasks of government are best performed nationally, many responsibilities are better carried out by other spheres of government.
It looks like a good compromise to me. I wish that party existed in the U.S.