So why does the Church think they aren't supposed to use Godliness to influence the state?
Who said they shouldn't? Strawman.
webdog said:What is more damaging to christianity...mormonism or islam?
I haven't seen Mormons strap bombs to their bodies and walk into a building and blow it up. Haven't seen Mormons fly airplanes into skyscrapers. Or call for the annihilation of Israel. Or start civil wars. Drive trucks laden with bombs into embassies. Kidnap people. Pilot a boat full of bombs into a U.S. Naval ship. Plant vehicles with bombs in them in the parking ramp of the WTC. Throw handicapped Jews off the deck of cruise ships. Behead news reporters.
That's why I keep saying this is absolutely unbelievable how Christians can say they follow Christ and endorse someone who does not.
We're not endorsing their religious views. We are accepting their policy views.
We take a Biblical stance against candidates who are pro-commit homosexual sex acts.
Romney supports DOMA and believes marriage should be between a man and a woman.
We take a Biblical stance against candidates who are pro-abortion.
Romney has said the first executive order he would issue once he became President would be to rescind funding for overseas abortions.
Why aren't we taking a Biblical stance against a candidate who is pro-worship a false god?
Because it's not a political issue. Besides the constitution guarantees freedom of religion.
we are supposed to keep Christ first above everything else. But it doesn't appear that the worship of a god who is not Jesus Christ quite registers up there with abortion and homosexuality when it becomes an issue of who we want in office.
Yep, because no one can know for sure what someone believes in their heart, but we can see actions they take and hold them accountable for political promises they make.
Yes, it's time for Jesus Christ to come on back and put an end to this when the very ones who are supposed to be witnessing for Him are doing the devil's work by witnessing for that which is against Him.
Taking a side on political issues for a candidate that opposes abortion and gay marriage is not doing the devil's work.
I honestly cannot see how folks don't think it won't affect their witness by supporting someone who is against Christ.
Seriously, though, if someone were to ask how a Christian could vote for a Mormon that is a great opportunity to witness.
You're thinking too much about THIS world that is not supposed to be your home. If my focus is Christ FIRST and I choose to not vote for either candidate who is against Christ, then I'm voting for maintaining my witness for Christ FIRST so that I may remain useful for helping to expand HIS Kingdom, not the United States economy.
And not voting for Romney might as well be a vote for Obama, and we know Obama is for abortion and for gay rights.
If you're loving God with all that you are, you'll keep His commands.
Like this one:
And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Matt. 22:21
Setting politics and getting Obama out of office as foremost while supporting a man who worships a false god is IDOLATRY.
Nope. Idolatry is worshiping something as being equal to God.
Again. Christ is to be first and foremost in the life of the Christian. A candidate could have all the morals in the world, yet the fact that he worships a false god over Jesus Christ should disqualify him in the eyes of those who follow Christ.
So would you vote for a Jew?
As Christ is supposed to be the most important thing to the Christian, who a person is worshiping should be paramount above everything else.
Voting for someone is not the same thing as worshiping them.
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