There are only a couple things worse than mixing the established and revealed metaphors of God. One worse thing is to completely ignore them. Even worse is to deny them altogether and to teach they do not exist. People who are most guilty are those who speak and write and publish their doctrines in a public forum like from pulpits and Bible commentaries and opinion articles where they influence others to do with them what they do.
One of the classic problems with the Baptists on this forum is to reverse the teaching of the scriptures and a great example of this is to see how many, if not most on here, are willing to make the church of Jesus Christ a metaphor for Israel when the opposite, Israel is a metaphor for the church of Jesus Christ, is closer to the truth. They do this through the doctrine of "replacement theology." I do not need to explain this theology here.
The reason I mention the posters on this forum is because for a long time I have read the comments and philosophies of these folk and now know how they think. I do not have to guess about what they believe and teach. I know of not a single regular poster on this forum who understands and believes that the physical and historic Israel is a real and eternal entity with specific and detailed prophecies about them that is not shared with any other entity and those things that are prophesied about them that have not already come to pass will surely be realized sometimes in the future. This is as sure as the God of heaven who made the prophesies.
In order for this people and nation to be a type and their characteristics applied to the antitype they must be studied and understood else no sense could be drawn from it as a basis for the metaphor. The church of Jesus Christ is "like" Israel in several respects but it is not Israel and Israel remains it's own identity even though it is the basis of the metaphor. Things that are different between the two are as important as those things that are alike.
When God through history likens his people and family of Israel to sheep he is not speaking of the church of Jesus Christ. This is about this family. They were like sheep before there was a church of Jesus Christ and the church of Jesus Christ is never referred to as sheep. It was not the church of Jesus Christ to whom the prophets of old wrote and said the following;
Israel is a scattered sheep; the lions have driven him away: first the king of Assyria hath devoured him; and last this Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath broken his bones.
This could never be said about the church of Jesus Christ because the church of Jesus Christ, unlike Israel, is a kingdom without physical boundaries and the citizens of this part of the kingdom are bound together by brotherhood via the testimony of salvation, the gospel, that was wrought through Jesus Christ, every believer possessing the gift his divine nature, the Spirit of God, through faith during the absence of the King. They are not related because of physical considerations.
Israel, OTOH, is the physical family of God who was established by an everlasting covenant that promised their perpetual existence as a nation with land boundaries clearly laid out in that covenant. These covenant promises cannot fail unless God who promised them can fail. One of the elements of the Abrahamic covenant is that all the families of the earth are being blessed through the seed of Abraham, Jesus Christ, during the 3 one thousand year days of God while Jesus is away.
Since using metaphors are one of the ways of God to dispense truth, they must be mastered and correctly and consistently applied to assure sound doctrine.
Does anyone agree with this evaluation of the circumstances?
One of the classic problems with the Baptists on this forum is to reverse the teaching of the scriptures and a great example of this is to see how many, if not most on here, are willing to make the church of Jesus Christ a metaphor for Israel when the opposite, Israel is a metaphor for the church of Jesus Christ, is closer to the truth. They do this through the doctrine of "replacement theology." I do not need to explain this theology here.
The reason I mention the posters on this forum is because for a long time I have read the comments and philosophies of these folk and now know how they think. I do not have to guess about what they believe and teach. I know of not a single regular poster on this forum who understands and believes that the physical and historic Israel is a real and eternal entity with specific and detailed prophecies about them that is not shared with any other entity and those things that are prophesied about them that have not already come to pass will surely be realized sometimes in the future. This is as sure as the God of heaven who made the prophesies.
In order for this people and nation to be a type and their characteristics applied to the antitype they must be studied and understood else no sense could be drawn from it as a basis for the metaphor. The church of Jesus Christ is "like" Israel in several respects but it is not Israel and Israel remains it's own identity even though it is the basis of the metaphor. Things that are different between the two are as important as those things that are alike.
When God through history likens his people and family of Israel to sheep he is not speaking of the church of Jesus Christ. This is about this family. They were like sheep before there was a church of Jesus Christ and the church of Jesus Christ is never referred to as sheep. It was not the church of Jesus Christ to whom the prophets of old wrote and said the following;
Israel is a scattered sheep; the lions have driven him away: first the king of Assyria hath devoured him; and last this Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath broken his bones.
This could never be said about the church of Jesus Christ because the church of Jesus Christ, unlike Israel, is a kingdom without physical boundaries and the citizens of this part of the kingdom are bound together by brotherhood via the testimony of salvation, the gospel, that was wrought through Jesus Christ, every believer possessing the gift his divine nature, the Spirit of God, through faith during the absence of the King. They are not related because of physical considerations.
Israel, OTOH, is the physical family of God who was established by an everlasting covenant that promised their perpetual existence as a nation with land boundaries clearly laid out in that covenant. These covenant promises cannot fail unless God who promised them can fail. One of the elements of the Abrahamic covenant is that all the families of the earth are being blessed through the seed of Abraham, Jesus Christ, during the 3 one thousand year days of God while Jesus is away.
Since using metaphors are one of the ways of God to dispense truth, they must be mastered and correctly and consistently applied to assure sound doctrine.
Does anyone agree with this evaluation of the circumstances?