QUOTE=Yeshua1;1917527]God is simply God!
Agreed, actually...and not for the same reasons you would agree to it, but, yes, I agree.
Not MOST anything, the only and absolute anything!
You aren't thinking sir....You just denied by this statement that you yourself exist.....(as you phrased it anyway) and thus, by extension, this conversation never occured.
Don't let vain philosophies of men darken your understanding of the sacred texts,
"Vain": a term I will always guard against any "philosophies" of mine being.
"Philosophies": The Love of Wisdom...(by definition anyway) You are failing to realize that "Philosophy" is the mother of all knowledges and truths....Lemme explain something to you:
You assume that if something is "vain" than it is of no use or value....You would be correct.
You also believe that no knowledge about God is "vain" or of no value.
You believe, then, that any knowledge about God cannot be, by definition, "vain".
Thus, anything which helps you understand any truth about God is of value, and therefore not "vain".
Allow me then, to construct a simple logical syllogism to explain your own POV:
1.) Vain is properly defined as anything of no value
2.) Knowledge of God is the Ultimate form of knowledge man can attain
3.) From (1 and 2) no knowledge about God can properly be described as "vain"
4.) Philosophy is the discipline which helps us understand the nature of knowledge and reason.
5.) If knowledge and Reason has suggested that knowledge of God is of value, than any discipline which helps me understand it is worthwhile.
6.) Philosophy, then, has taught me how to differentiate between what is "vain" and what is of proper value.
7.) From premises 4,5 and 6....any Philosophy which helps me differentiate between that which is of no value and that which is of value is good.
8.) Paul was knowledgeable of varying "Philosophies"
9.) Paul warned against what he called "vain" Philosopies
10.) Probablistically, if Paul were to warn us against ALL Philosophies he woud have done so
11.) Paul warned us only against certain "types" of Philosophy
12.) Those Philosophies were any that he himself described as a Philosophy which:
2Cr 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
13.) From 8-12...Any Philosophy which might increase the "knowledge" or "understanding" of God...as the Prophet Jeremiah States is "good":
Jer 9:24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I [am] the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these [things] I delight, saith the LORD.
Therefore: From conclusions:
3.) no knowledge about God can properly be described as "vain"
7.) any Philosophy which helps me differentiate between that which is of no value and that which is of value is good.
13.) Any Philosophy which might increase the "knowledge" or "understanding" of God is good.
Bad Philosophy is "bad" and "good" philosophy is "good"
Paul doesn't warn us against "Philosophy"...he warns us against "bad" Philosophy, just as C.S. Lewis does thousands of years later when he exhorts that:
"Good Philosphy must exist if only because bad Philosophy must be answered"
Your move.....