Wow, I've never seen Japan so misunderstood here on the BB. Maybe I'll have time to answer the rest of your post this evening (which also quite misunderstands what I was trying to say), but I have to answer some of this right now. If you had taken time to study the basics about both Shinto and Confucianism I think you would have understood already what I am about to say.
I am fully aware of why you are now utterly and indignantly in the defense of the separate nature of Japanese Culture, religion, and Philosophy, and why you are now passionately attempting to divorce it from the "Confucionism" of China......I posted as I did on purpose...JOJ...Have you yet to figure out how very much I am simply NOT ignorant of the basic History of both Cultures????
I didn't imply the similarity between "Confuscianism" and the cultural faith of Japan....But
YOU un-wittingly DID. I know better than that...And I am FULLY AWARE that they have little or nothing to do with one another....I spent enough time reviewing your own posts to trap you in a self-contradictory long-time passion for Philosophy has armed me with the tools to do that.....
First of all, Shinto and Confucianism have nothing to do with each other,
I know......I was wondering when you would figure that out....I was posting you referencing places where you didn't seem to grasp that yourself John. In this thread...coupled with places I have quoted you have implied otherwise: I have quoted you stating precisely the opposite of what you state here....You claimed that Shinto-ism/Japanese culture is interrelated to Confuscian Philosophy....and you also claimed that (despite the millions of deities in Shintoism) Confuscian Philosophy is "mono-theistic"....
I simply exposed the obvious contradiction..
and Shinto is certainly not the basis for societal interaction. Shinto is the native religion that existed way back into the Jomon era, but lost out for a time when Buddhism came in from China, eventually finding a stable peace with Buddhism. Its shrines and priests have existed all of this time, with or without Confucianism.
Blah...Blah....:sleep:.....guess's original source was from India...too, Shall I now wax long about how "Siddhartha Gautama" was initially "Hindu" and during the reign of the erudite Akhbar..(who also re-thought and reformed the penal system)... as I am sure you are the nature of suffering and blah..blah... At what point will you stop speaking to me as though I were a complete moron????? I have, in my possession the sum-total of the entire writings of Will and Ariel Durant....but, I actually read them..So...It may be unfortunate for the average fundamentalist Bible College that some people have actually read some real Historians (and real historians care about the history of the dissemination of certain ideas)....But I am afraid I do not have the benefit of "post-graduate credits" in "Theology" or "Philosophy" from
Jack Hyles U....or what-ever....I just have good books...and I linked a good one to you, namely "Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview"....and you dismissed it out of any fundamental "Jack-Hyles-U" guy is trained to do....
It is a very simple animistic religion with no real doctrine or "holy writings" that claims to have 40 million gods, and has small and large shrines all over Japan. However, it is not the social structure of Japan. The main thing people do with Shinto nowadays is have Shinto weddings (less and less--they like the Western style better), have Shinto priests bless their cars, and pray to Shinto gods to help them with their final exams.
After 31 years as a missionary to those people....can you inform us of something we DON'T already know.....Getting reasonably-priced "chia-pets" in the shape of Jerry Garcia's head is the Universal dream of every human on Earth...and that is why Romney should have won, and not Obama (as he is a non-patriotic Communist, but I digress)....These ideas are simply elementary.
Confucianism came into Japan from China and became the basis for the society of Japan mostly under the Tokugawa Shogunate mostly
Off of the top of my head.......what specific contribution do you think that Moto-Ori contributed to the dessimination of Philosophical ideas when he wrote that: "Japan gave birth to the goddess of the Sun, and that proves her Superiority above all other nations" (this was 1630) as I am sure you know already....
Lemme guess..."Confuscian" philosophys' entrance to Japan (in Nippon of course) might arguably be traced to the sixteenth century mal-content Fujiwara Seigwa....and so on....
I am also sure that as far as the dissemination of "philosophical" ideas are concerned...the "Tokugawa" nominal heir Iyeyasu...should be credited with stability of culture enough to disseminate their heathen and wicked "Confuscionist/Buddhist/non-Christ honoring" ideas.
This was past the "Warring States" period in Japanese history, and the samurai began to actually study instead of fight each other all the time. What they studied was first and foremost the Confucian classics, and they built, literally, a caste system based on that.
As for Confucius himself, while I think he was a great philosopher, I detest the social system that exists under his name. It is one of the biggest barriers to the Gospel that there is. Yes, Confucius himself was a monotheist, but that certainly doesn't mean that those who followed his system were thus, ergo, monotheists
Then, the only thing that would follow is that "Confuscious" who is a "mono-theist" as you claim, had little enough influence to convince a populace whether there were only 1 Omnipotent God or as you say......40 million???...Signifigant, and worthy of mention in his era, Confuscious was, wasn't he????
I am only working off of your own claims.
You loving history should understand how that happens.
I do.......or, at least, I have some notions about it.
He instituted a social system, not a religion per se.
HIs institution of a social system.....I mentioned in this thread...long before and in direct opposition to your insistance that he was a "Philosopher" of merit......"Bureaucrat" I always knew....Philosopher of signifigance, I always have doubted.
He only mentioned Tien (who was Shang Ti) in passing in his works. And after his death, the worship of Shang Ti gradually degenerated into a form of idol worship (not connected to either him or his system).
YEAHHHH....and this is why incurrably "Western" Philosophers don't take him very seriously....nor do they consider any appeal to his existence as a sufficient defeater to any long-held and be-laboured notions Western Philosophy has ever bothered to argue...This is why the link I posted for you doesn't mention "Confuscius".... It's because it was written by Bible-believing Christians, and they feel that "Confuscius" had little or nothing to add to the subject.