Any aggressive form of evangelism will get you rejected, cussed out, chewed out. It has happened to me many times. As near as I can tell, there is nothing in the WOTM approach that is more objectionable than other approaches. As someone pointed out, there is a reproach to the Gospel itself. However, if you're going to be persecuted, make sure it is for the Gospel and not for a cultural misstep. As my father used to say, "I'd rather be persecuted for my position than my disposition."
My particular point was about 1 Cor. 9, which definitely says you must adapt your approach (not the Gospel, which is eternal truth) depending on culture. "The Jews" and "the Greeks" are very different cultures. Just look how Paul witnessed on Mars Hill in Acts 17: a very different approach from how he witnessed to the Jews. In missiology we call this contextualization. I really believe that if you will meditate on 1 Cor. 9:19-23 and Acts 17:18-34 it will help you greatly in witnessing to immigrants like your Mongolian friend.
Hogwash. People read that passage and interpret it to say that they must get Tatoo's, play movies in church, become surfers, skate boarders and do all they can to win the lost. Hogwash.. Such a approach DENIES THE SUFFICIENCY of the Bible!!!! (Psa 19).
Paul meant was that in third world countries we are to do all we can not to offend regarding culture customs. This woman is in America (my country) and I am not in Mongolia.