As Rippon and others know well, I am a supporter of the T.R., though not necessarily of the KJV. However, I can't let some of the nonsense being talked here pass without comment. If the modern versions are all tainted with Unitarianism, then perhaps someone will explain the following to me.
Titus 2:13, A.V. Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.’
Titus 2:13, N.I.V. ‘While we wait for the blessed hope- the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ’ (other modern versions are similar).
2Peter 1:1b, A.V. ‘.....To them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.’
2Peter 1:1b, N.I.V. ‘....To those who through the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ have obtained a faith as precious as ours’ (other modern versions are similar).
The only modern translation that supports the A.V. in these two texts is the New World Translation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses! Just in case it might be thought that the A.V. is right in these instances, let the reader look at 2Peter 1:11. Here the A.V. rightly translates, ‘....our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.’ Yet the Greek construction here is exactly the same as in 1:1.
One reason for all this is that the KJV translators were unaware of the Granville Sharpe Rule which states that when two words are linked by a single article, they must both refer to the same person. Another reason is, I've been told, that the KJV translators were relying on a Greek Grammar written by a Unitarian. Someone might like to check that out.
Compare also Romans 9:5 in KJV and modern versions. If the modern translators are all atheists and Unitarians, how come they support the (correct) Trinitarian translations in these verses?
(1) This is a translational issue, not a textual issue.
(2) These two examples are not representative of the dozens of others where modern versions have lowered the standard rather than raising it.