I know this will come as a shock, sarc, but the hospital where my Dad was admitted, did a covid test on him yesterday, after he had been there for almost a week, oh, & it was positive. Don’t you think that would be one of the first things they would check while they kept him in ICU for a couple of days?
After having sent in every possible department to see him, including a speech therapist for a man that has no problem with his speech (how about you send in someone to aid his hearing loss that he got as a side effect of previous medication he was put on), they all got their boxes checked, & after a week in the hospital, he has now been moved to a covid room. Prior to admittance he had not left his house for a year. I told my sister, when they did the check.......it will be positive. Funny, even though she was there to see him on Sat., they didn’t tell her to self-isolate.