Reading this paragraph again, I think I may see the difference between Comp. & Mol. (though you can certainly respond if you like)
I do have one big question, which basically boils down to a "which is it" question:
1. Would a molinist say that once God chose to create creatures with free will, he was limited in choosing between worlds where varying numbers of these creatures freely chose his way of salvation?
2. Would a molinist say that infinite possibilites before him, God COULD have chosen a world in which all chose to be saved, but decided not to for some reason?
Although one could be a Molinist and NOT answer this way....Most would say it is something like #1....God COULD NOT create a world wherein ALL creatures "choose" to freely obey him....Well not a very populated world anyway!!
Option #2 is POSSIBLE....but is usually thought unlikely in that the available options were limited (to pick a number at random) to say....a world of 45 total people!!! (If you take my meaning). There simply was no possible World with millions and millions as it were...
if 1, does that raise questions of God's omnipotence?
To a Calvinist....yes, to a!!! More seriously, a Molinist would say that it is logically impossible to grant true LFW and also move beyond the scope of what it would allow. Given LFW it would simply be a fact that not EVERYONE will choose as you wish. Could God NOT have given LFW? Sure, but once he has chosen to, than he has chosen to permit the limitations of those who would reject him...Most Molinists would then say that the world which "IS" is the one with the maximal number of those who are saved...Or, more precisely, the one with the most favorable ratio of saved and unsaved.
Now, there May have been a possible world wherein more are ultimately saved...but, God might have chosen THIS WORLD, because it is the one in which all who are ultimately lost are those who would not EVER choose Christ in any set of circumstances... If ( and yes, it's a pretty big if) there are these three types of folks:
1.) Those who would choose Christ in ANY set of circumstances
2.) Those who would choose Christ in certain circumstances and not others
3.) Those who would NOT choose Christ in ANY set of circumstances...
It is possible that the world which is, is one in which there are only types 1, types 3 and the circumstances which God actualized are those in which all type 2 people choose FOR Christ...
It makes (if true) a perfect solution to the "What about those who never heard" thing....Maybe "those who never hear"...are all "type 3" people anyway!!!!
Obviously, there is conjecture with a lot of this, but it would make sense, and truth be told...this is the only answer I know of, which makes God perfectly JUST and GOOD!!! I think both classical Arminianism and Calvinism run into serious problems when they answer that question. If my possible explanation is true...Than Molinism provides a perfectly reasoned explanation which upholds God's goodness, and his justice!!! :thumbsup:
You are posing GREAT QUESIONS?? I hope my answers are helpful....