Compatibilism argues that our programing, i.e. the consequence of the fall, dictates our apparent choices such at we always choose not to seek God or trust fully in Christ.
Okay, fine with me.
Molinism argues we are not pre-programed to run from God,…
Ah, hold up, I see where you’re trying to take this as you begin this comaprison and I’m not going to begin running through this smokescreen trying to pull you out of every rabbit hole you can jump into concerning Calvinist’ original sin doctrines leading into Total Depravity, Unconditional election and Irresistible Grace you are about to try to assign these to Molinism in a roundabout way by making a comparison to Calvinist Compatibilism conclusions – I’ll give you that these Calvinist doctrines unavoidably lead to and hinge on exhaustive determinism,
but none of these line up with Molinist’ Arminian thought; ...see below
(B). (Herein you have presented an example of beginning your argument on the aforementioned strawman, - misrepresenting that Molinist would conclude that all men are not designed in a way that they will all fall short by nature - apart from from the "real" ability (LFW) to respond to the influences of God)
(A) Maybe you can show me an in-context Molinist’ argument that begins with what you say is their premise (LFW) and ends with your conclusion (according to God’s sovereign exhaustive determinist desires)? I’d actually like to see how that is done.
For the sake of argument, so that you are not putting words into “my” mouth, I’ll just clue you in how I begin to deal with the fall of man in “brief” (hard to keep brief) simple terms – All men will fall short of God’s righteousness, this comes from the beginning of creation when man, all Adam/all mankind being made in His likeness and image if you will (having been Divinely designed with creaturely volition) choose to disobey God and gain knowledge because of their desire to be like little gods (Gen 3:22) and to know/judge between good and evil and will inevitably shall fall short of God, ...okay, there is but Only One God, One that is Good, One King by and of which judgment is perfectly righteous and He shall judge all things on Earth and in Heaven which are His …again, therefore all men shall fall short in their judgment between good and evil and thereby fall short of being in God’s Perfect Kingdom for eternity. But, Glory be to our Loving Creator that He had a plan/a foundational loving
promise for His creatures and made a Great sacrifice in Grace for those volitional creatures He Divinely designed which involves dying to our will (desires to be little gods in our knowledge of which we will fall short) and living according to His Will. He provided a Way for all His creatures, which is through the Spirit of Christ, He provided from the beginning of creation the influences in the world (tree of life, the Way) along with the ability of reason (tree of knowledge) so that we could respond and He will justly judge us in the matter according to our responses in our love of the truths of His Grace which He provide for all to see the Light of, and thereby we (all of us) may be with Him as sons and daughter for eternity in
His Kingdom. He knows our hearts, and I am confident that in His Loving Grace He will provide all the circumstances whereby He will judge our responses to His influences justly in the prefect (Deut 32:4) and very good world He created. (Gen 1:31).
Again, this is “my” explanation, if you can understand where I’m going with it :tonofbricks:, and it is only offered to generalize and support how “I” hold to LFW and deal will our Divinely designed nature to fall, our abilities and God’s foundational promises and Just judgment to and on all. This is to say I am in line with the Molinist views of LFW and Creaturely volition, that’s all, it is NOT offered as a sidetracking smokescreen and again to draw back to the actual issue, I challenge you to show a Molinist argument to the contrary of
…rather we are able to make choices according to the circumstances we encounter.
…Circumstances which are unlimited according to the judgments of God as we go through life as volitional creatures.
God arranges these circumstances, such at we freely make the choice He sovereignly desires.
And God sovereignly desires that all men should repent of their "own will" (to be little gods and judge between good and evil, if you will) and is longsuffering in giving us the circumstances to know and chose Him (2Pet 3:9) and
His Judgment in this matter is thoroughly based on that He has provided the opportunity for all to have the circumstances they needed (Rom 1:20-22) to repent of their of their will rather than to chose to NOT glorify Him as God and be thankful for their creation …and His Justice in the matter of giving them the ability and opportunity (circumstances) to repent will be accordingly, as (Deut 32:4) proclaims that “all His way are judgment in Truth”. (again, you are back to your premise of falsely comparing LFW to Exhaustive Determinism while ignoring that Molinism argues for “Middle Knowledge” which refutes that God has pre-determined sovereign desires interfering with LFW, you like HT ride on the presumption and attempt to falsely liken this to Calvinist and/or OT thought
concerning Divine Foreknowledge) (B):
(B) Originally posted by Benjamin:
These views clearly have black and white differences. Do you think Molinists agree that God’s knowledge should be defined in a way that classical/closed theism defines it which is “God foreknew all things, therefore He determined all things.”? If you do I got news for you!
Obviously this (Determinism) is the root of Calvinism by which all 5 points of the TULIP must stand, but this differs greatly from the belief of Molinist’ Arminians who hold to creaturely volition as a truth.
Arminians believe God left open the choices of man so that they can be able to freely respond to His influences …but Arminians do not use the word “Open” as in God isn’t Omniscient in the way OVT does and Molinism argues toward a MK to avoid such implications. BTW, herein lies another reason for disassociation, we are using the word “open” in a totally different light and would not want to be thought of as rejecting Divine foreknowledge.
What is the same is that God, either through pre-programing, or by arranging the circumstances we encounter where we exercise free will, determines the outcome of our choices. Both views are simply Trojan horses for exhaustive determinism, i.e. the pig of exhaustive determinism with two shades of lipstick.
This is where your misunderstanding I mentioned begins as your premise is misleading and ignores the principles Molinism argues for, in effect you are resorting to building a strawman (misstating the Molinist’ view and then attacking that (your) view of them) therefore your conclusion is false after being built on this strawman (false premise(s)).Get it yet?
They are "moving the goal post" arguments that are used to push exhaustive determinism, but scripture denies the underlying premise. Things sometimes happen by chance, rather than by God's purpose driven arrangement of circumstance to cause His desired specific outcome, thus Molinism is unbiblical. Unregenerate fallen men seek God and fully trust in Christ all through the Bible so "total spiritual inability" smeared with compatibilism's shade of lipstick is also unbiblical.
Same false conclusion built on the same false premises while going back on making your argument of the merits of Compatibilism, based on “their” views of original sin and inability (which I somewhat would agree the goalpost analogy on, for compatibilism; read my signature) but Molinism argues for LFW! So again, you are trying to assign (build another strawman) onto Molinism in trying to rest “your” false comparison of Molinism to what I would agree is the logical conclusions of Compatibilism which differs on these on the all-important issue of true LFW.
BTW, it is an unethical meaningless rhetoric debate tactic that you would resort to calling Molinism “unbiblical” especially with you holding to OT and I’m not going down that contentious rabbit trail of tit for tat. Just sayin.
Your argument for OT by misrepresenting Molinism doesn't even begin to get off the ground.