Yes, so that the GOP could lose in it's usual genteel way!I would be thrilled to have the alternative of McCain or Romney in this election. I wasn't excited about them at the time, but now they would be a relief.
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Yes, so that the GOP could lose in it's usual genteel way!I would be thrilled to have the alternative of McCain or Romney in this election. I wasn't excited about them at the time, but now they would be a relief.
At least the Republican Party would not have betrayed its values.Yes, so that the GOP could lose in it's usual genteel way!
She can nominate, but nominees have to be confirmed. So there are methods to stop a bad nominee.Hillary filling the Supreme Court.
#NeverTrump followers are a big reason why the Republican Party doesn't pick good candidates. Their War-First agenda means they don't support good candidates, because good candidates are not war mongers.
#NeverTrump movement might as well be telling Republicans to stay home on election day. They're enemies of America, no matter how much you want to pretend they're innocent.
One of the most narcissistic men to ever grace a political podium controlling the military of the US while also maintaining control over our nuclear weapons.Hillary filling the Supreme Court. Let THAT sink in......
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She can nominate, but nominees have to be confirmed. So there are methods to stop a bad nominee.
Wait, you have been complaining about "activist" judges, but now you want your own right-wing activist judge? As for me, I don't want ANY activist judges.There's zero chance Hillary would nominate a good (i.e. conservative) judge.
All judges can become something other than what the President who nominated them intended.She could easily nominate a sleeper-activist who poses to Congress as a moderate to win approval.
Kennedy was a Reagan nominee, which perfectly illustrates what I just said. And what's wrong with being moderate?Also, she has a strong chance of getting to replace Kennedy, one of moderates, who's in his 80s.
Well Republicans ARE being obstructionists. They came up with a historical reason to deny consideration of Obama's appointment, then had to modify it a number of times because of a pesky thing called facts, and then have apparently abandoned any pretense and just refused to allow the process to go forward. If they had Garland in there, some of the recent decisions may not have gone the way they did. Garland is NOT a left-winger.Even with the seat remaining empty, the court leans decisively Left. So, Hillary won't feel the need to rush. She can drag it, while collecting Supreme Court victories, out and make the Republicans look like obstructionists if they don't capitulate to a bad judge.
I simply need to call that what it is. A lie. A malicious, Christ-dishonoring lie.But, look who I'm talking too... someone who insists slavery is freedom and freedom is slavery.
Both are awful for the country, Zaac.One of the most narcissistic men to ever grace a political podium controlling the military of the US while also maintaining control over our nuclear weapons.
Let THAT sink in.
A lot of things can be controlled. But there will be no controlling of a super narcissist made into the most powerful man in the world.
Putting a narcissistic, power hungry, unpredictable person in the office might do the same and at a much quicker rate.Both are awful for the country, Zaac.
I however think that loading up the SCOTUS with a majority of LIVING BREATHING DOCUMENT believers will spell the end of our Constitutional Republic.
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The Body of Christ has got to recognize that you don't fight evil by supporting more evil.
As a follower of Jesus Christ, He has to be my first solution every time. Not a Presidential candidate. Not SCOTUS justices. But Jesus Christ.
I am commissioned first and foremost to make disciples who obey everything that He commands.
That's the solution from God. And if a Presidential candidate comes along who can help make disciples, then I'll support that candidate.
But if from my pov, you're not a lover of Christ and of other people out of the overflow of your love for Christ, and if you're okay with killing human life inside the womb or outside, you will not receive my support.
We, the Body of Christ, dictate the decline or advance in society towards the Way of Christ. As long as we're okay with thinking Presidents or other men are the key, then we will be left with a table of candidates like we have now because it's what we deserve for continually looking to men and THEIR way instead of the way Christ has already given.
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I know Jkd. But again, it's of our own making and we just can't seem to get that WE are the impetus for this.Zaac, here's the scary part: we're going to find out all too soon.....Hillary or Trump in charge.
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If any of that about your sloe agenda of serving Christ here on this board were true you wouldn't be constantly attacking Trump for Hillary's sake while denying it and coming to her defense at every turn.
...and save your spew of justifying your taking sides by claiming your sick twisted logic that 2 wrongs makes right of not standing up against the murder of our unborn.
Putting a narcissistic, power hungry, unpredictable person in the office might do the same and at a much quicker rate.
The Body of Christ has got to recognize that you don't fight evil by supporting more evil.
We, the Body of Christ, dictate the decline or advance in society towards the Way of Christ. As long as we're okay with thinking Presidents or other men are the key, then we will be left with a table of candidates like we have now because it's what we deserve for continually looking to men and THEIR way instead of the way Christ has already given.
Yep. Voted for HW in '88. Wrote in one of my professors back in 92 and 96.Voted for Bush in 2000. Was about to vote for him in 2004 until he declared internationally three times, even after being reprimanded by Billy Graham and some others, that Christians and Muslims serve the same god.The only way to begin taking you seriously on these things is to get the right answer to this question: Have you ever voted before?
Yep. Voted for HW in '88. Wrote in one of my professors back in 92 and 96.Voted for Bush in 2000. Was about to vote for him in 2004 until he declared internationally three times, even after being reprimanded by Billy Graham and some others, that Christians and Muslims serve the same god.Wrote in Huckabee in 2008. Wrote in Perry in 2012 (what was I thinking).
ITL, you know that the same old same olds will want to see the ballots as proof.Zaac, I suggest you make this post your new sig. It would save a lot of useless ad hom's from being hurled against you in the future regarding you being a leftist, Democrat in lockstep with Obama and Hillary!
Yep. Voted for HW in '88. Wrote in one of my professors back in 92 and 96.Voted for Bush in 2000. Was about to vote for him in 2004 until he declared internationally three times, even after being reprimanded by Billy Graham and some others, that Christians and Muslims serve the same god. Wrote in Huckabee in 2008. Wrote in Perry in 2012 (what was I thinking).
You previously said, "One of the most narcissistic men to ever grace a political podium controlling the military of the US while also maintaining control over our nuclear weapons." And you don't think those you claim to have voted for are "narcissistic?"
I would say any politician is narcissistic, as any athletic champion is competitive.Are you, perhaps, comparing Trump to Ty Cobb, who was competitive to the max such that he spilled blood by ramming his spikes into fielders and slugged or kicked whoever he saw as in his way?