From the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:
From the same dictionary:
Given these definitions, I don't believe I'm a bit remiss in asking for PROOF from preterists that the prophesied events they SAY have already occurred, HAVE actually occurred. As Christians, we must believe EVERY WORD that Jesus spoke and chose to preserve in writing into the present day. Thus, His prophecies MUST be fulfilled EXACTLY, TO THE LETTER.
However, preterists use excuses, speculation, guesswork, and sometimes outright falsehoods to attempt to support their doctrine and their pronouncements. For example, in a recently-closed thread, a preterist saidthat "falling stars" and "a hail of rocks weighing about a talent apiece" COULD have been the missiles launched by the Romans against Jerusalem during their siege.
No, they could NOT.
Roman catapults were used to batter down walls or city gates, only being seldom-used as anti-personnel weapons. No one hid in caves to avoid those rocks in Jerusalem.
And someone said the mark of the beast COULD have been either the eagle ensigns carried by the Romans, or the likeness of Nero or other Caesars on Roman coins.
No, they could NOT. Scripture says the beast from the earth will require ALL PEOPLE to receive the mark in/on either the right hand or the forehead. Only the Romans carried their ensigns, and no one wore either a Roman ensign or Roman coin on their right hands or foreheads.
Did Jesus return in 70 AD? If so, how come the world continues today as it did then?
When was all life in the seas killed?
When was all green grass burned up?
When did an evil ruler set up a statue of himself in the temple in Jerusalem? Yes, Antiochus Epiphanes set up a statue of Jupiter in the temple & sacrificed swine on its altar in the 160s BC, but JESUS, in Matt. 24, said the abomination of desolation was still future.
I have NOT seen a preterist answer to those questions. Both Jesus Himself, and Paul, writing what Jesus told him, said Jesus wouldn't return til all those events, and many more I didn't mention here, were all fulfilled.
Preterists, you simply CANNOT fill in the gaps between your doctrines and pronouncements, and HISTORY/REALITY. Isn't it about time you admit you accidentally believed a false doctrine, and it's time to ababdon it?
In a just-closed thread, a preterist said
Definition of eschatology
plural eschatologies
1 :a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind
2 :a belief concerning death, the end of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humankind; specifically :any of various Christian doctrines concerning the Second Coming, the resurrection of the dead, or the Last Judgment
From the same dictionary:
Definition of preterist
plural preterists
in Christianity :one who holds that the prophecies in the Bible about the End Times have already been fulfilled — compare futurist, presentist
Given these definitions, I don't believe I'm a bit remiss in asking for PROOF from preterists that the prophesied events they SAY have already occurred, HAVE actually occurred. As Christians, we must believe EVERY WORD that Jesus spoke and chose to preserve in writing into the present day. Thus, His prophecies MUST be fulfilled EXACTLY, TO THE LETTER.
However, preterists use excuses, speculation, guesswork, and sometimes outright falsehoods to attempt to support their doctrine and their pronouncements. For example, in a recently-closed thread, a preterist saidthat "falling stars" and "a hail of rocks weighing about a talent apiece" COULD have been the missiles launched by the Romans against Jerusalem during their siege.
No, they could NOT.
Roman catapults were used to batter down walls or city gates, only being seldom-used as anti-personnel weapons. No one hid in caves to avoid those rocks in Jerusalem.
And someone said the mark of the beast COULD have been either the eagle ensigns carried by the Romans, or the likeness of Nero or other Caesars on Roman coins.
No, they could NOT. Scripture says the beast from the earth will require ALL PEOPLE to receive the mark in/on either the right hand or the forehead. Only the Romans carried their ensigns, and no one wore either a Roman ensign or Roman coin on their right hands or foreheads.
Did Jesus return in 70 AD? If so, how come the world continues today as it did then?
When was all life in the seas killed?
When was all green grass burned up?
When did an evil ruler set up a statue of himself in the temple in Jerusalem? Yes, Antiochus Epiphanes set up a statue of Jupiter in the temple & sacrificed swine on its altar in the 160s BC, but JESUS, in Matt. 24, said the abomination of desolation was still future.
I have NOT seen a preterist answer to those questions. Both Jesus Himself, and Paul, writing what Jesus told him, said Jesus wouldn't return til all those events, and many more I didn't mention here, were all fulfilled.
Preterists, you simply CANNOT fill in the gaps between your doctrines and pronouncements, and HISTORY/REALITY. Isn't it about time you admit you accidentally believed a false doctrine, and it's time to ababdon it?
In a just-closed thread, a preterist said