We tend to see what we want to see.
Then don't be surprised if the title suits several on here too.
Whom you call a "racist" is nothing more than someone who disagrees with you about the prevalence of racism in modern society. As I said in a post last week, there is virtually no racism left in the U.S. What there is, is personal prejudice exercised by everyone, regardless of color, national origin, religion, gender, etc. Personal prejudice is natural. People express preferences, including their preference of culture. You call that racism. It isn't. The very person you may accuse of racism, because they criticize the loud expression of opinion by those of other colors and cultures, likely has many individual relationships with people of other colors and cultures, likely of the same color and culture of those they criticize. Now, you're going to accuse me of saying the equivalent of "Some of my best friends are _________", but that would be a really stupid comment. You won't have heard what I really am saying, which is this: Personal prejudices are exhibited in a person's demeanor when they speak broadly of a different culture that tends itself to exhibit strong tendencies and characteristics that the person speaking finds offensive, distasteful, or even frightening. At the very same time, that person will know people of that culture that they consider friends.
The fact is, cultures are known as "cultures" for precisely that reason: They have common personality traits, characteristics, ethics, tastes, and manifestations. In fact, the very core concept of "culture" is the maintenance of conditions suitable for growth, i.e., the way in which people -- or bacteria, for that matter -- are nurtured for the purpose of maximum development. Cultures are different for different peoples. There is nothing wrong with that. Neither is there anything wrong with being uncomfortable with a culture other than ones own while at the same time knowing and liking people that are from that very culture. Until you and the civil rights industry realize that -- and I have a feeling the leadership if that industry knows it very well and hopes no one else figures it out -- you will continue to find yourself at odds with those who live realistically, not denying their own feelings while being willing to entertain inroads to other cultures in order to better understand them. Not change them, not "homogenize" them -- understand and interact with them.
There's nothing to reason with me about.
I think there is a great deal to reason with you about, but that attitude will prevent you from listening.