Well-Known Member
And THAT is the perfect exemplification of what I wrote. Why do you need to "convince white people"? Isn't that the basic problem here: the dependency on the old, rich, white people to "take care of us"?
Umm, because the white people are in charge of the system just as they were back in the 60s when the effects of Jim Crow was brought to the forefront by Bloody Sunday and the Edmund Pettus Bridge.
Nobody has asked for the old, rich white folks to "take care of them". They've asked that the folks with a sense of humanity and common decency address the bias in the system being championed by the old, rich white men.
Use the system to change the laws. How hard is that to understand?
It's very hard to understand when it's not the LAW that's causing the policing issues.
If you can't get your congressperson to introduce state and/or federal laws that will change the system, then get into politics, get yourself elected, and make it happen yourself. Get into the police department, work hard to be a leader, and change the institution from within.
Bunch of bovine skeptology intended for a white system that caters to white people. That might work if you're trying to change the schoolboard. It won't work with the police departments.
You're telling us there's a problem; I'm offering solutions. Kneeling during the national anthem is an attempt to tell us there's a problem; what has Colin done to provide a solution? Said that he'd donate a million dollars to a charity? Has he done it? And how is that going to solve the problem?
You're offering the same old excuse to do nothing. That's not a solution. The only thing that will stop systemic racism in policing is a systemic overhaul of the entire system where there are universal checks and balances. Because unfortunately, the good ole boy networks and this wall of blue can't be trusted to do what's right.
"Hippies" during the 60's harped about raising social consciousness; where are they now? (answer: in corporate board rooms, sitting at their $10,000 desk in their multi-million dollar law firm, etc., etc.) Quit telling us there's a problem, and let's actually do something about it.
The hippies did something because they acknowledged there was a problem.