Too often people choose to believe opinion about a person or subject rather than consider the source and proper documentation to verify the opinion to see if it is correct or not.
I have heard opinions told as though they were truth on some subjects that I have personally heard the author say something completely different.
So we need to be careful about what we claim to be truth when it may be an opinion that may or may not be true.
I studied under one of the top masters in my field and the ignorant and unskilled would give opinions about him that in almost every case were completely false.
I agree.
I've heard many lies about high-profile Christian over the years and have noticed that lots of other Christians don't really care about what is true or false... they seem to just go with whatever they want to believe.
On numerous occasions, I have confronted other Christians with documented evidence of what the accused person actually wrote/said/believes and it makes no difference.
The same thing works in reverse when a high-profile Christian is held in high-esteem by many yet there are teaching falsehood or telling lies. I have provided documented evidence of what the esteemed person has clearly written/stated/believes and it makes no difference either.
Essentially, most Christians believe what they want to believe and won't be bothered with the facts... even if it damages another person or it will radically damage their own life and walk with God.
How strange it is that Christians, who claim the Name of the One Who described Himself as Truth, seem to have so little regard for what is true or false!! :BangHead: