Is the Migrant Caravan a Trojan Horse?
"Aside from potential terrorists, what else might be hiding within the migrant caravan? How about contagious infectious diseases? Some nasty diseases may be crossing our southern border, as I wrote about several years ago. How many in the migrant caravan are carrying such a disease? Wouldn’t Americans want to be protected from outbreaks of chicken pox, hepatitis, and scabies?
Fast forward to the present and look what’s happening in New York City, as reported by the New York Post last week. “The number of tuberculosis cases in New York City suddenly jumped by 10 percent last year — the largest increase since 1992.”
TB is common in drug abusers but also in immigrants from certain countries. From the NY Post: “TB disproportionately affects foreign-born New Yorkers — accounting for 86 percent of all cases in the city.” Where in particular, you might ask?
“Many of the infected city residents came from China, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India or Mexico.” Some of the same countries participating in the migrant caravan. Could contagious diseases be another Trojan horse hiding within the caravan?
Less dangerous is scabies, which as reported last year, is “on the rise among migrants” in Paris. When you bring there here, here becomes there.
Then there are drugs, already crossing the border with ease, which have no need of hiding in a Trojan horse. What about weapons? Is every backpack being carried through Mexico to the U.S. being searched? How easy would it be to bring a biological or chemical weapon, hiding with the masses of people making up the caravan?"
Is the Migrant Caravan a Trojan Horse?
"Aside from potential terrorists, what else might be hiding within the migrant caravan? How about contagious infectious diseases? Some nasty diseases may be crossing our southern border, as I wrote about several years ago. How many in the migrant caravan are carrying such a disease? Wouldn’t Americans want to be protected from outbreaks of chicken pox, hepatitis, and scabies?
Fast forward to the present and look what’s happening in New York City, as reported by the New York Post last week. “The number of tuberculosis cases in New York City suddenly jumped by 10 percent last year — the largest increase since 1992.”
TB is common in drug abusers but also in immigrants from certain countries. From the NY Post: “TB disproportionately affects foreign-born New Yorkers — accounting for 86 percent of all cases in the city.” Where in particular, you might ask?
“Many of the infected city residents came from China, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India or Mexico.” Some of the same countries participating in the migrant caravan. Could contagious diseases be another Trojan horse hiding within the caravan?
Less dangerous is scabies, which as reported last year, is “on the rise among migrants” in Paris. When you bring there here, here becomes there.
Then there are drugs, already crossing the border with ease, which have no need of hiding in a Trojan horse. What about weapons? Is every backpack being carried through Mexico to the U.S. being searched? How easy would it be to bring a biological or chemical weapon, hiding with the masses of people making up the caravan?"
Is the Migrant Caravan a Trojan Horse?