What a difference a year makes. Bill Cosby isn't looking so distinguished right now.
And this thread shows just what's wrong with American Christianity. Because white people who fancy themselves as Christians believe the problem with racism is that folks like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson keep talking about it.
And according to Morgan Freeman, wonderful actor, but bisexual and leaning toward atheism, if we just stop talking about it, it will go away.
Absolutely ridiculous even as the lot of you chimed in agreement.
Race issues in this country and around the world have always been an issue of the heart. And as long as folks think it's just gonna go away by not talking about it, it shall remain.
It's a shame that even God's people think that talking about race is the problem. Why do even "God's people" leave Him out of the equation?
So why a Black History month? Perhaps one of the reasons is the absence of Blacks in the history books of America other than to show them as inferior.