The pressure on the last Mormon president was to allow same-sex "marriage" and female preachers--in other words, to become politically correct.
1) Maybe read the church's: Family a Proclamation to the World
I think that the leading authority on Mormon polygamy in rural areas is Doris Hanson who has a weekly TV show called
Polygamy: What Love Is This?--most of her shows are on You Tube
2) Which is why anyone who engages in it or performs the ceremony is excommunicated.
Polygamy is more vile than I ever imagined. In rural areas young men are denied education and kept at physical labor. They have no chance at marriage because the older men with money marry the younger women. If the young men run away, they have a difficult time adjusting to the modern world. As for the young women, people such as Doris Hanson have shelters to help them out of polygamy. Doris Hanson herself was a young woman being forced into a marriage with an older man but she ran away with only the clothes she was wearing and thus escaped. But some many others are trapped.
3) God bless Doris Hanson. I too have a friend who escaped a polygamous community. It is a very sad affair.
Utah Lighthouse Ministry
Polygamy: What Love Is This?