Mormonism has the marks of a cult.
My research:
It is definitely a system of works/merit whereby you attain to eternal life in one of three realms (terrestial, telestial, celestial).
they hold all by reprobate few go to one of those heaven levels, top one for good Mormons only!
Apparently only worthy Mormon men can hope to attain to the celestial realm.
yes, where they become a god over own World, with wives and populate a new Human race and cycle keeps going on!
Someone talked about their redefining of terms, they certainly do and it is strange and confusing to we the orthodox:
Although they support Christ as "atoning" Savior, they don't support the
eternal deity of Christ although they would say He is now a deity.
They hold to a false jesus dying for sins, but they also need to get water baptism in temple, do missionary work, etc to add to it!
Although they hold to a kind of triad of Father, Son and Holy Spirit (and baptize accordingly), in essence they do not agree with the orthodox definition of the eternal Trinity. Specifically that the members of the "God" triad although perhaps are eternal spirits were not always "almighty".
They hold to Three seoerate Gods, not One in 3 persons though!
They are the most deviat group to deal with as Christians, as they hold to whatsound likes biblcal Christianity, but give total diiferent meanings to every term they use from the Bible!
And many other unorthodox teachings but these show that they are not orthodox in the essential of the eternal and almighty Triune God.
Basically, they are holding to multiply gods, that jesus was just one of many gods, he is what we will all day become if faithfull Mormons, and that they are 'restoration" of true biblcal Christianity, but instead, are origined from the Devil himself!
Anyway we will hear from them soon at Christmas time (Mormon Tabernacle Choir).