Thanks Salty for actually presenting something other than "the north was bad too" or the denial of evidence for the view Slavery caused the civil war.
1) Agreed, some of the South seceded before they fired on Fort Sumter, others after. But all of them made the choice to seceded because of the fear the North would grain more power as non-slave states were added, and eventually end slavery in the whole Union.
2) Take your time and read them, they all say the same thing, bla bla this, bla bla that, and they had a right to continue slavery.
3) Again, we are agreed, the South fired on Fort Sumter, beginning the hostilities.
4) Yes, but that "keeping slavery" was seen necessary to achieve a peaceable end to slavery over time.
5) You defined the War of Independence as independence from England, so 1776 is the required date. Why shuck and jive?
6) Agreed, we led the effort to end the rule of Britain, and the South led the effort to end the fear that the North would end slavery. Dressing it up in states rights does not move the ball, the state right in question was to continue slavery. All roads lead back to slave labor, and those 3 million human beings being chained, beaten, sexually abused, castrated, and murdered in the name of states rights.