Is that difference because you think he'll shaft the "well to do" to enrich the "working man"? Exactly who are the "well to do" and the "working man"? Does the "working man" mean the "poor man" or someone who works hard or smart or both for what they earn and does well? What exactly are the delinations and what purpose do they serve? What makes one better than the other or one entitled to the fair earnings of the other? Is it wrong to work hard, earn your pay, and become better off? Is that not an admirable quality? Don't we tell our children to get a good education, work hard, have a positive attitude, save for the future, and do better than us? Or do we instead teach them to grow up being wards of the state entitled to handouts from the taxation of those who do better? Is being rich in itself evil? Is a poor man's greed and envy just as evil as a rich man's greed an envy? How will our country be any greater by such wealth redistribution rooted in greed and envy? Obama's talk fits right in with Wright's "rich white men" talk.