New Member
Our first clue to the idiocy of this plan should be the name of the conceiver of this hair-brained socialist idea. Who name's their child "Krystal Ball." Sounds more like she should be on a pole somewhere in a dark, seedy club instead of on a "major" television network.On Tuesday’s edition of MSNBC’s “The Cycle,” co-host Krystal Ball suggested that the United States implement a minimum guaranteed income for every “non-incarcerated adult citizen.” The enormous entitlement program would “eliminate poverty” completely, Ball claimed.
Referencing protests occurring across the globe, the MSNBC host made her pitch for a “monthly minimum income” or a “mincome.” The free government money would not only solve poverty, but it would not create deincentives to work, she claimed.
“The basic concept is simple,” she said. “Every non-incarcerated adult citizen gets a monthly check from the government. Other safety net programs are jettisoned to pay for the mincome, and poverty is eliminated.”
Ball's segment is called "Krystal Clear." Perhaps it should be called "Krystal Meth" because she had to be smokin' something to dare to go on television with this nonsense.