New Member
>You do not have to have the murder weapon to prove a murder----if someone kills someone else-----they can take the weapon and smelt it down----and can still be tried for murder
True under US law. Under God's Law, the law that several continuing threads insist we should all obey, two or more eye witnesses were necessary to convict. Circumstantial evidence was unknown in the courts of 2000 BC. In other words, most current convictions in the US would never had made it to court in OT times.
Most of the accused in those days wouldn't have made it to trial either...
Especially if a City of Refuge was too far to run to...
I get the impression that in many cases, because of the general closness of the society, that it was much harder to do harm and get off scot-free.
And, if caught in the act there was no trial, just a rush outside the city and a quick stoning...
Swift and Sure!