God's approved music in N.T. times = singing (Eph 5:19, Col 3:16-17).
Therefore, if I only sing, I KNOW that I am pleasing God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Rom 10:17).
I can sing by faith because I can read that God requires it.
Maybe he requires singing only in the Greek and Hebrew. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe he requires it standing only and not sitting, as was the custom of the Jews. Have you thought about that? What kind of songs does God require? Do all your songs "teach and admonish one another"--the purpose that Paul sets forth in Col.3:16? Or do you sing some of those simple praise songs? How many of your songs admonish one another? Be honest. What percentage of the songs that you sing admonish one another.
noutheteo--from the same as 3559; to put in mind, i.e. (by implication) to caution or reprove gently:--admonish, warn. (from Strong's)
I cannot play an instrument by faith because God said nothing on that subject.
Perhaps that might be because you have either done no study or are KJVO. Which is it? The word "psalms" by implication means either with or without instruments. Do a study on the word. God has spoken on the subject. You simply don't want to admit it.
It's funny how some will point to the O.T. or Heaven to try and justify what is authorized in the N.T. In heaven there is no marriage, so I guess we can do away with it now...
It is
not funny how some pretend to put themselves in the place of God and tell others the mind of God; that is what God has authorized and what He hasn't. Who gave you this supernatural knowledge?
There is not passage that condemns eating grape jelly and kool aid with the Lord's supper, so that must be fine also. Just eat it in addition to the unleavened bread and fruit of the vine. God doesn't care and it tastes much better, and since He didn't say not to, it MUST be fine...
But God did give explicit instructions about the Lord's Table, therefore your point is wrong, a red herring, and if carried out that way--blasphemously portraying the Lord's body and blood.
You cannot know what God wants or doesn't want by what He DID NOT say.
I can know what the Word of God says. I also can know the principles that the Word of God teaches.
The music commanded is singing. If you use a song book, in the end, you only have one type of music, singing.
In your own words: "God never authorized song books." He never authorized pianos either. Yet one is right and the other wrong. You are being hypocritical.
The command is to assemble. If you use a building, even with air conditioning, you are fulfilling the command to assemble.
The only buildings that we see the early believers using were: first the Temple, and then the synagogues, and finally homes. Any thing other than that would be in your own words "not authorized." You would be hypocritical therefore to meet in a church building or to use air conditioning. You are not practicing NT Christianity. Nor are you facing NT persecution. Why not be a missionary to Turkey, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan, etc. and face the persecution that a NT believer would face? Naw, the comfort of the U.S. is too hard to give up, isn't it?
What many people obviously don't understand is the difference between carrying out a command and ADDING to a command.
Apparently you don't understand that same concept.