So you would vote for an abortionist?
I didn't realize we had someone who performs abortions on the ballot. Is that a third party candidate?
What has the world of Christianity come to?
I wonder myself. It seems that most people are losing their minds.
I am pro-life, and not just for people who are unborn. However, there is not a credible pro-life candidate on a major party ticket this year.
You are about to tell me that Trump promised to pick pro-life Supreme Court Justices. I have no confidence in that. Why?
1.) Trump has a terrible track record of keeping any promises. Ask his ex-wives, investors, employees, etc. He has consistently failed to release his tax returns. He apparently lies all the time on the campaign trail (although he is far from unique in that area).
2.) Trump does not listen to advisors. He appears to chart his own course except when he gets into trouble and then will occasionally take advice for a short period of time, and then lapse into familiar habits. I don't think he will take good advice for competent conservative Judges for the Supreme Court and instead trust his own intuition.
3.) Trump appears to know nothing of the Constitution. He has made a couple of misstatements revealing he is not familiar with the document. Moreover, he doesn't seem to understand (or perhaps he simple doesn't agree with) the First Amendment and it's protections for religious liberty and freedom of the press. If he doesn't understand the most basic rights of American citizens, how will he manage to pick decent Justices?
So the question of abortion is off the table in any practice sense. We can't afford to risk voting for Mr. Trump on the off chance that he actually nominates a couple of good Justices. Mr. Trump is incompetent for lead in many different ways, including his lack of respect for persons that have already been born.