You have some truth here regarding the last 12 verses. Would YOU like to be the person who makes the decision of whether it was added or removed from the original manuscript?
I certainly don't see theology that is usually repeated somewhere else in the Bible discuss snake handling and drinking poisons. Plus, it does not make a lot of sense as an ending for Mark. I personally think we may have lost a true ending of Mark, but if we did it was God's will.
It's not "some" truth, it is THE TRUTH. It is impossible that Mark 16 should both contain and omit the last 12 verses. Either the TR has added to God's word, or the CT has diminished from God's word. While this does not prove either text is true (both could be corrupt and false), it does prove that BOTH texts cannot be true and accurate.
And I have made my stand. By faith I believe the TR is the preserved and accurate text. I can't prove it, nor can I begin to explain how God preserved it, but I believe he did.
This was a decision I made as a young boy. If Jesus expects us to live by EVERY word that proceedeth from the mouth of God, I fully believe a good and just God would provide every word.
If we cannot know every word is true, how can we have faith? How can you believe scripture you suspect should not be there? And, if one passage should not be there, how do we know many other passages should not be there?
Faith is important. Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Heb 11:6). The devil also knows this, and he is determined to destroy faith. His first act ever in the world was to make man doubt God's word when he said;
Yea, hath God said?
You tell me, did God say the last 12 verses of Mark or not?
Think about it.