Well, I would be excluded because I'm not a member of the church. Even though I've attended since Day 1 and rarely miss a Sunday.
I agree with all of your points a to e except b, because I am against closed communion for a number of reasons. (another thread) That would solve that problem.
As far as advice goes, I would have a church business meeting in the plant church. I would vote to become autonomous, draft a Constitution and bylaws, form a budget, and inform the parent church you are now an independent New Testement Church. Also, as was suggested above, elect deacons, church officers, and call a pastor that is willing to lead. In this case, it will take one with thick skin. Then, when the church has an idea how the finances are going to go, I would hold communion, open or closed, depending on how the church voted, and not worry about the parent church. It will be bumpy at first, but as time passes, with the help of the Lord, your church will grow and be what the Lord would have it to be. It seems like the parent church is nothing but a millstone tied around your church's neck.
The type of communion is only a small element of the problem, but I have never seen anything positive come out of closed communion. I guess in a way I do believe in closed communion, it is closed to those who do not believe in Jesus Christ as their God, Lord and Savior, like the Mormons, JWs, and the like.
God bless you and your church in future endeavors as the Lord leads.