I'm not one to normally ask for personal prayer, but could use it. Some of you may know that 8 years ago I crushed my foot at work which resulted in a permanent swelling condition called lymphedema. Initially there was severe nerve damage / pain as a result. I've gone through quite a bit to get the swelling under control, but recently noticed the coloring change and pain increase, anywhere from just mild discomfort, the feeling of sandpaper between my toes, pin pricks to stabbing pains that will make me limp or stomp my foot until they subside. Today my doctor said I have RSD /CRPS. As someone who is pretty active in order to control the swelling, there is somewhat of an uphill battle at this point. I was told RSD can be serious in a younger person. I'm not one to go the Rx route, so please pray this can be controlled using holistic measures, and for both conditions to progress slllooowwwly, not to mention that God can be glorified in what He has allowed. Thanks!