Truth is, and Washington and all those in public office know all too well, that $15.00 an hour will not make that much a difference in the living conditions of those making that kind of wage.
They know it is only a cosmetic thing, and a rose in their political vase. And $15.00 an hour will not pay for the day care, rent, food utilities, etc., never has and never will. These people will still be dependent on government programs to get them past the things they still can't afford. It merely places them in a higher tax bracket.
Plus like you say, once a business is forced to pay that kind of money, the quality and quantity of services and products will go down hill, because the owner will have to unload help in order to make a certain dollar figure stretch to meet the rise in wage. That means more people without jobs, and less quality from that business because they are making to do with less Manpower, in order to pay their employees the higher wage.
It's a never-ending war, and those on the bottom will still have to work two or more jobs to get by, or they will simply go on welfare where phones, rent, medical care, food, etc., are paid for by taxpayers, and they can sit back and be more entrenched in the world of entitlements, which means they will be hell-bent on voting for the politician that is probably not going to cut out their free ride during their term in office.
The answer for a fair wage is not a minimum wage increase, but rather a program that supplements the employers of the low-income folks with Government paid benefits, paid to the employer to pass on to the employee, making the low-wage job equivalent to a middle class or higher job that meets the needs of the employee, so they maintain dignity. And by the way, one of the benefits built into the low-income government handouts should be guaranteed benefits that permit the employee to qualify and attend school to improve and gain new skills that will give them a career type of upper ward mobility leading to a better job down the road! And challenge them to take on the paid training, instead of forcing them to work two of three jobs to make ends meet!
The low income job must never become a lifetime pit, but rather the place where the unemployed, under-employed may begin building towards a better tomorrow!
I submit that welfare should be a working welfare program, that leads people off public assistance and into the low-income jobs that eventually help them to move up the career ladder to escape low income status and at least be able to function in the middle class range, thus we as a nation is now rebuilding the middle class that has been eroding away over the last few generations!
Bro. Curtis .... I :applause: you for your rant. It is needed to shake us, as a nation, loose from pie-in-the-sky legislation that only puts a few more dollars in the pockets of a burger flipper, and puts us on track to do better for our safety net income folks, buy helping them escape a lifetime of low income living, which is in itself a form of social hoeplessness! :tear: