Nope. Mutation, especially when combined with duplication, provides a robust and observed method for generating new and useful genetic sequences. Please see a more detailed and recent response here.
I asked for your BEST examples, then I refuted them, showing how they are actually losses or re-arrangements of information. Your claims don't have merit, but are simply FAITH based statements, rather than hard fact.
You claim also ignores that common descent is the only theory capable of explaining the wide ranging set of observations that have led scientists to the conclusion of evolution as being a fact.
That's odd... it seems to me that a Creator who created everything in the universe in 6 days could have created the creatures in their original forms. Sure there has been quite some change - just look at the difference between a great dane and a chahuahua - both are still dogs though. There isn't any need for common anscestory, except for seeing the original forms (for example, the master dog kind). As a matter of fact the Bible clearly indicates that all life does not have common ancestory:
1Cr 15:39 All flesh [is] not the same flesh: but [there is] one [kind of] flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, [and] another of birds.
What you meant to say is that common ancestory is the only HUMANISTIC/ATHEISTIC theory capable of explaining. It's the only one that adheres to your a priori assumption that God doesn't exist, and didn't create the world as Genesis describes.
None of those by themselves are sufficient. But in combination, they have been observed to perform quite admirably in the role of leading to biological innovation.
Fantastic - Please by all means give us half a dozen names of scientists who have direct observations from 4 billion years ago. None? Well maybe a half dozen who were there 4 million years ago. Still none? Well... perhaps you could just point me to the writings of someone who was here 100,000 years ago. Still no one? Wow... not mutch actual observation - yet your statemens keep claiming observation - hrm that's so weird.
All right... fine then... just give me 2 names of scientists with recorded observations from 50,000 years ago. Still nothing? Are you telling me that NONE of these "observations" you are talking about are from the time period under investigation? ALL of these "observations" are current or "present" observations? Wow... one would be pretty mislead to read your statements UTE... you make it sound like we have a lot of actual observations from the past - but here it is we only have observations of the present, and then you make ASSUMPTIONS about the past based on what you see in the present. I think that's called uniformitarianism. According to the evolutionary timescale Man and Dinosaur did not live at the same time. According to evolution, man evolved from Apes much later. So when you say there is observational evidence under your model, I would say that your own theory disproves you.
Because in its current incarnation ID is nothing more than an idea, a philosophy. There is no ID science. They have no place at the table.
As I have already shown you, evolution has no direct observation - therefore we could say the exact same thing about Evolution... that it is a philosophy and has no place in science. Moreover, evolution entirely contradicts the Bible. Scirpture is pure truth. The Bible's history is pure truth. So Evolution has really no chance of being viable.
No, my point is that I find it dishonest for you to have thrown ID out there as supporting your cause.
Does ID support your cause? Does it support evolution? If it did, then evolutionists would not fight it so. Moreover, I wasn't listing movements that agreed with creation, I was listing opposition to evolution. You said there was no evidence of gaining movement against evolution, I listed ID as an example. What's so difficult to understand?
But it is based on observations.
Again... name several people who were here 70 million years ago. Your own theory states that man was not here to witness his own origination. Therefore, the origins argument is one of history, not of science. Science is the now - the repeatable and operational. Evolution is a philosophy of history. History is not science - history is exact and actual. Science can only tell us what is possible - history tells us what actually happened out of all the possibilities. The Bible's history is true.
But it is based on observations. Such as the twin nested heirarchy. Molecular and anatomical parahomology. Molecular and anatomical vestiges. Ontogeny. Atavisms. The similarity of independent phylogenies.
And who was here to witness these processes occurring in the manner you assume? No one. They could just as easily be explained under a Biblical foundation, rather than atheism (aka evolution).
The known transitional fossils.
Who was there to witness these animals transsioning from one to another? God was. How do we know God didn't discreetly created them within kinds as the Bible describes? God tells us in His Word how He did it. It didn't involve millions of years and animals evolving from one another. It involved thousands of years, and God creating many distinct and discreet creatures. Fossil transsitions CAN NEVER BE PROVEN to be transsitional because no one observed that. You can continue to make the assumption that one creature is a transsitional fossil, but there is no way you can know for sure because there is no observation of such. It is an assumption.
Shared retroviral sequences. Shared pseudogenes. Shared transposon sequences. And so on
All of which can be explained - and actually fit better in many circumstances - under a creationist view of history. Why? Because the Bible is truth and creationist view is Bible-based, whereas evolution has a basis in atheism, humanism, and an a priori committment to naturalism, materialism, and unprovable assumption.
You really ought to understand me better before you make such false charges about my motivations.
Oh? Am I wrong in thinking that you 'used to hold to young earth views until you were unable to provide answers to criticisms, and therefore changed your view'? Is that an incorrect picture of you, UTE? Because if that's remotely accurate, then my statement about your belief in evolution being based on fear is a bullseye. You sold out to humanism because the Bible wasn't good enough to convince your 'so called' freinds or collegues - really, the Bible wasn't good enough to convince YOU.
Luk 16:29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
I oppose YE because it takes good Christians and makes them spread falsehoods.
Falshoods like God created the world in six days? Falshoods like Noah's global flood? Falshoods like there was no death before sin? ALL of these are entirely supported by ALL of scripture. Scripture is ultimate truth. However, evolution contradicts scripture. Evolution is a contradiction to Truth. So it is your position that that YE makes Christians spread truth and you don't want to see that happen.
My fear is that these falsehoods will prevent others from coming to Christ and will drive believers from the church.
I showed you how your duplicitous approach worked in the church of England. I showed you how our whole culture is seeking authentic, genuine faith. I showed you how each generation pushes the door open further when you comprimise scripture to make it easier to swallow. Fear is simply a counterfeit of faith. Fear is faith, but not in God. You cannot serve two masters, and telling people that it's possible will NOT serve to expand Christianity, but to weaken it. How about give people the Bible - let them believe it in it's entirety. Do your best to show how the scientific data supports scripture and fits within it's framework of history. Instead you contradict the Bible and say that man knows better than God. You say it's OK to disbelieve the Bible. You say it's OK to believe in the Truth, but that the contradiction to that Truth is more believable than the Truth. You may be a Christian, UTE, but the next person to come along may not be convinced to be saved before they decide to believe in Evolution. Even YOU, UTE, believed in the Bible when you were first saved. YOU YOURSELF did not come to have faith in God and be a Christian while believing in Evolution.
Rom 10:17 So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
You believed when you were saved that Genesis was real and that the Bible was true. But then you were criticised, and while you kept your faith in Jesus, you decided to believe evolution. Now you hope that it will be EASIER for people to be saved if they believe evolution. You don't even realize that YOU YOURSELF disprove your own example! You were MORE THAN WILLING to believe the scirpture was ultimate truth when you made a decision for Christ. THIS is the best and prime condition for making a decision for salvation.
It's like the fool who looks at the way their parents disciplined them. They say - "man that was hard and I didn't like it. I am going to be much different with my children." When that fool has children they go soft on discipline and that kid grows up to be a bad person who doesn't respect authority. They never stopped to realize - "hey, I didn't have as much fun as I thought I should have had, but I turned out to be a pretty great person". All they thought about was how hard it was, or how much better it seemed in 'someone elses house'. They didn't stop to look at the REASON they turned out to be so good was directly BECAUSE their parents took the time to train them and raise them with discipline and a respect for authority.
In the same manner, you aren't stopping to look at the reason you made your decision for christ - because you were willing to see the Bible as infallible and ultimate truth. Without this condition, the Bible is MUCH more easily rejected, and salvation is MUCH more easily rejected. Such is the church of England.
I oppose YE because when I was YE and went looking for YE material, I was so shocked by the poor scholarship and outright dishonesty that I gave it up.
And... you never see that in evolutionary material? For goodness sake, UTE, the whole thing is based on unobserved assumption! The whole thing is based on unobserved view of history! You call that good science? You call that scholarly? Who told you this definiton of honest and scholarly?
Remember the story I told you about the 'Mars rock' found in antartica? Here we have the science channel displaying a rock which a guy picked up off the ground in antartica which he clamed to be a meteor from Mars. He claimed it had chemicals native to mars, proving that it was a Mars rock, but he claimed it also had chemicals necessary for life. He was touting this rock as evidence that life once existed on Mars! You are telling me that THIS SOUNDS HONEST AND SCHOLARLY TO YOU!!? No one observed this rock coming from Mars. No one observed this rock since it "got here". No one knows of the chemicals in the rock were there before it "left mars". No one knows of the chemicals in the rock got there after it "got here". The entire story was a fabrication of the highestest order. It was dogmatic evolutionary assumption at it's best. THIS is the kind of "science" that you would rather believe than Holy Scipture? The science channel had NO PROBLEM running a 1 hour special on this Mars rock (which could very well have been native to earth for all they know), yet I have never once seen a single 5 minute blurb about creation, Intelligent Design, or any other theory that contradicts evolution in any way shape or form on the science channel. But we have a 1 hour special on this Mars rock that's completely 100% based on too many assumptions to count! This is what you call Scholarly and Honest?