Well-Known Member
I watched Andy's final sermon on the eight sermon series titled "Christian". I was kind of hoping to hear him explain his comments from the previous sermon where he sort of redefined the modern family, but I was disappointed. However I truly did like most of what Andy said on this sermon and the other sermons I listened to in this series.
Here is my take on Andy. I feel he is very similar to Rick Warren and many of the Emergent preachers in this way: He always seems to be painting a picture of Christianity for his listeners that is flawed. For some reason he feels Christianity is full of homophobic, fundamental intollerant people. He demonizes the Christian church for being hateful to those outside the church. In this way he feels he can get past the hang-ups young people have about Christianity and reach them. Now I say there is some truth to what he says. There are those within the walls of the church who are as he says, but to go this route is dangerous. He is no better that Obama trying to demonize America for being evil to the world, IMO.
This is what Rick Warren preaches as well as many withing Emergent circles. They feel that thousands if not millions of young people hate the church because they are not excepting of them, and the church needs to change it's approach. Both Warren and Stanley have said from the pulpit that preaching won't get people to love Jesus. They instead push for doing of the word, love! We must love everyone they say and they back it up with scripture. But, they don't preach the whole gospel as it is with them. They never include within their preaching to love someone is to preach to them in season and out of season, to shed the gospel light on their sin so they will see it and run to Christ for forgiveness.
Before I was saved I felt the same as young people do today. I thought the church was full of intollerant bible thumpers. But I didn't become a Christian because someone turned a blind eye to my sin and tried to make church fit my lifestyle. Today we have millions of young people who are lost in immoral lifestyles and these Emergents have turned upon the church to demonize it in favor of attracting these young people and then they won't love them with the truth of the whole gospel.
I agree with Andy that we need to love these lost young people but I don't agree that we minimize what sin is and how it offends a Holy God. If Andy is going to preach that we need to love everyone, I don't see his love for those in the church who he has labeled homophobic and intollerant. This Emergent movement has divided the church and I'm very saddened by it. I would love to hear any comments.
Here is my take on Andy. I feel he is very similar to Rick Warren and many of the Emergent preachers in this way: He always seems to be painting a picture of Christianity for his listeners that is flawed. For some reason he feels Christianity is full of homophobic, fundamental intollerant people. He demonizes the Christian church for being hateful to those outside the church. In this way he feels he can get past the hang-ups young people have about Christianity and reach them. Now I say there is some truth to what he says. There are those within the walls of the church who are as he says, but to go this route is dangerous. He is no better that Obama trying to demonize America for being evil to the world, IMO.
This is what Rick Warren preaches as well as many withing Emergent circles. They feel that thousands if not millions of young people hate the church because they are not excepting of them, and the church needs to change it's approach. Both Warren and Stanley have said from the pulpit that preaching won't get people to love Jesus. They instead push for doing of the word, love! We must love everyone they say and they back it up with scripture. But, they don't preach the whole gospel as it is with them. They never include within their preaching to love someone is to preach to them in season and out of season, to shed the gospel light on their sin so they will see it and run to Christ for forgiveness.
Before I was saved I felt the same as young people do today. I thought the church was full of intollerant bible thumpers. But I didn't become a Christian because someone turned a blind eye to my sin and tried to make church fit my lifestyle. Today we have millions of young people who are lost in immoral lifestyles and these Emergents have turned upon the church to demonize it in favor of attracting these young people and then they won't love them with the truth of the whole gospel.
I agree with Andy that we need to love these lost young people but I don't agree that we minimize what sin is and how it offends a Holy God. If Andy is going to preach that we need to love everyone, I don't see his love for those in the church who he has labeled homophobic and intollerant. This Emergent movement has divided the church and I'm very saddened by it. I would love to hear any comments.