We have all come to Christ in different ways... This is my story and if you have a mind to share yours!
Let me give you a little of my history. I grew up in a Primitive Baptist Church and from my recollection I was six when my parents joined. My grandfather on my dad side was PB and dad grew up PB also in Texas. Lot of PBs in Texas and all his brothers were PB. I was immersed in the doctrine of Sovereign Grace from the age of six. I had a definite belief in God but not Christ. My God was the God of the O/T! I heard preacher after preacher expound on the full truths of the Gospel. Never was exposed to any other doctrine.
In 1965 the Vietnam War broke out and I was sent overseas with the United States Marine Corp. I was with the Tank Division. During that time I wrote a letter to a paper called The Banner Of Love a church paper that was circulated among our people. I was telling them how much I missed the church, the doctrine, the fellowship, the singing, praying, and preaching and never forgot the communion. The drinking of the wine, the unleavened bread and washing the brethrens feet. Which I have observed but never participated in and how solemn, heartfelt and moving that time was. I still remember it to this day. As often as you do this, Do this in remembrance of Me!
In February of 66 we called into action for a battle called Operation Beaver. Twenty-One 90mm Abram Gun Tanks went to the battle and out of that group nineteen out of twenty-one tanks got stuck in four feet of mud. Our was among the nineteen. We were sitting ducks. We couldn't do anything as night was setting in and we held a watchful vigil. Everything was quiet... Too Quiet. I was sleeping on the back of our tank when ALL HELL BROKE LOSE!... A mortar round exploded about twenty feet above my head. Our tank commander jumped out of the hatch and ran to me expecting to see a dead marine. I wasn't touched. In fact I returned from Vietnam without a scratch. An interesting side note, the day after the battle it took Skycorsky helicopters with half mile cables to pull us out.
I guess God saving me was my wake-up call and not soon after my return in 1968 I joined the church I grew up in. I was brought to Christ in 1968 when I joined the church and been trying to follow him ever since. The church I'm afraid to say has been disbanded as the angel of death visited it to many times. Its been eleven years now and I miss all the precious saints who are gone on and the doctrine they stood for and defended. To some on here this is a nice story but to my PB Brethren they understand as I'm sure relating to the church they have had similar experiences. If you are asking when I joined the church and was baptized it was 1968!... When was I saved?... I don't know?... I have evidence I am!... Brother Glen (Sinner Saved)
Let me give you a little of my history. I grew up in a Primitive Baptist Church and from my recollection I was six when my parents joined. My grandfather on my dad side was PB and dad grew up PB also in Texas. Lot of PBs in Texas and all his brothers were PB. I was immersed in the doctrine of Sovereign Grace from the age of six. I had a definite belief in God but not Christ. My God was the God of the O/T! I heard preacher after preacher expound on the full truths of the Gospel. Never was exposed to any other doctrine.
In 1965 the Vietnam War broke out and I was sent overseas with the United States Marine Corp. I was with the Tank Division. During that time I wrote a letter to a paper called The Banner Of Love a church paper that was circulated among our people. I was telling them how much I missed the church, the doctrine, the fellowship, the singing, praying, and preaching and never forgot the communion. The drinking of the wine, the unleavened bread and washing the brethrens feet. Which I have observed but never participated in and how solemn, heartfelt and moving that time was. I still remember it to this day. As often as you do this, Do this in remembrance of Me!
In February of 66 we called into action for a battle called Operation Beaver. Twenty-One 90mm Abram Gun Tanks went to the battle and out of that group nineteen out of twenty-one tanks got stuck in four feet of mud. Our was among the nineteen. We were sitting ducks. We couldn't do anything as night was setting in and we held a watchful vigil. Everything was quiet... Too Quiet. I was sleeping on the back of our tank when ALL HELL BROKE LOSE!... A mortar round exploded about twenty feet above my head. Our tank commander jumped out of the hatch and ran to me expecting to see a dead marine. I wasn't touched. In fact I returned from Vietnam without a scratch. An interesting side note, the day after the battle it took Skycorsky helicopters with half mile cables to pull us out.
I guess God saving me was my wake-up call and not soon after my return in 1968 I joined the church I grew up in. I was brought to Christ in 1968 when I joined the church and been trying to follow him ever since. The church I'm afraid to say has been disbanded as the angel of death visited it to many times. Its been eleven years now and I miss all the precious saints who are gone on and the doctrine they stood for and defended. To some on here this is a nice story but to my PB Brethren they understand as I'm sure relating to the church they have had similar experiences. If you are asking when I joined the church and was baptized it was 1968!... When was I saved?... I don't know?... I have evidence I am!... Brother Glen (Sinner Saved)