So, go ahead and name something the GOP has done to help the average American in the last 50 years. Watch the video from this Tea Party patriot ... rather eye opening.
But to be fair there are many things we can thank Republicans for:
Thank a Republican if your pay has stagnated or gone down over the past 15 years – no it is not Obama’s fault – try obstructionist Republicans in Congress that employed radical strategies to stop any help for workers.
Thank a Republican if your job went overseas.
Thank a Republican if your schools are cutting back on teachers and programs.
Thank a Republican for wars that never end.
Thank a Republican if you live everyday in fear of terrorists that are 10,000 miles away.
Thank a Republican if you can’t join a union to bargain collectively.
Thank a Republican if you are a woman and reproductive medical services in your state are very limited.
Thank a Republican if you can’t afford to send your children to post secondary education.
Thank a Republican if you will have to go very deeply into debt to get a post secondary education.
Thank a Republican if you fear living in a society that is armed to the teeth and you fear you may get shot for no reason by someone who didn’t like the way you look.
Thank a Republican if you are a woman and you can look forward to being paid 25% less for the same work as a man.
Thank a Republican if the infrastructure in you city is rapidly deteriorating and the city has no money to fix it.
Thank a Republican if you are 50 or below and fear never seeing Social Security or Medicare.
Thank a Republican if you are over 50 and fear losing Social Security or Medicare
Thank a Republican if you are a member of a minority and feel like a second class citizen.
Thank a Republican if the corruption of vast amounts of money in politics disgusts you.
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