I have offered several portions of scripture that show a direct relationship of God with His creation.God is in total control of all things.
You cannot show any verse where God steps off His throne and is not in complete control of everything.
His eternal purpose is being fulfilled by every means He has wisely chosen to employ.
8 Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours; stormy wind fulfilling his word:
Napoleon loses because of snowflakes falling in the severe Russian winter...by God's design...
Showing a direct relationship of God with His creation does not mean that God does not permit things to operate independently as I have showed He did with Job. God's sovereignty means He transcends His creation, and is the king over all of it, but that does not mean that He always
controls all of the subjects. Where you are confusing God's sovereignty is that although God does
allow events to occur, He has created boundaries within His own system.
For example, the waves of the oceans stop at the shores. WHY? Because God has set laws that prevent them from doing so. Job 38:11. The waves already have instructions that do not need God controlling them to stop them from exceeding the shore line.
Ludicrous....so if the Willard Scott, or Al Roker says - mother nature sent a blizzard...that makes it true?
Natural simply means "of nature". Nature is something God created. Men commit certain actions BY NATURE (Romans 2:11), so nature is Biblical but certainly not "Mother" nature which is a pagan god that denies the actual Creator.
God has created the laws that govern nature, and nature acts within those laws. When God acts outside of those laws, we call them miracles. If God always controlled everything, then there would be nothing to compare a miracle to because a miracle is God working beyond the natural laws that He has established. And sovereignty of God that is demonstrated in that is that He does it,
because He can.
But there is a separation from God and what He created, otherwise you are arguing for pantheism and/or panentheism. It is not a deism system either because God can choose when He pleases to intervene. But to claim that God is always in control denies God His ability to choose when He wants to intervene, or perform miracles, and when He wants to allow things to run their natural course, but being "natural" does not mean that the creation operates without instructions.
Sin is an example of what operates unnaturally. God does not control sin, He punishes it and judges it, and eradicates it, but He won't touch it. Habakkuk 1:13. If God controlled sin, He wouldn't have sent Jesus Christ, it would not have been necessary.
God is in control at all times.he uses whatever means he desires;
Daniel 4:34-37
So what....the boundaries were the control, and furthermore we only know what is revealed....
This does not prove that God always controls everything. This says that whatever God does, WHEN HE DOES IT, He does it according to His will. This is a comparison between man and God that showed Nebuchadnezzar that he was nothing compared to God. Nebby attempted to assert His will against God and lost. God's sovereignty was demonstrated in that the created did not stand a chance against the Creator. It was moment where God chose to demonstrate His sovereignty against a prideful human because according to Nebuchadnezzar:
"The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of
my power, and for the honour of my majesty?" Dan 4:30
Thus this is not an example or proof of God controlling everything but demonstrating that nothing controls God and that any good thing that exists is because God allowed and permitted it. When God chooses to control and event, that is His choice to do so, but denying God the ability to choose when He can control something is depriving Him of His sovereignty.
When God restrained Abimelech;
Genesis 20:3-7
We are told God restrained him, yet it is not revealed by what means, before God speaks to him in this dream. That is God's concern....he says he did it, but not exactly how.
Again, same as with Nebuchadnezzar, there are times when God does control a matter, and we can even agree that He does so more often than not, BUT IT HIS HIS CHOICE. If God always controls because He has to, then you are binding His will to His creation.
Only non cals come to this sinful idea...this shows a lack of understanding.
If God controls ALL things, then that includes sin. Simply calling it a misunderstanding without attempting to explain your position doesn't make it true. If sin is a thing, and God controls all things, then it naturally follows that God would control sin and would've been the cause of it. If God controlled Adam's reaction, then ultimately it was God that was the author of sin. Remember, you say God controls ALL THINGS.
Now you can claim that this is the only place where Adam had a choice (where many Calvinists, not all, attempt to justify this logical contradiction by making one exception to their theology). But then when did Adam lose his choice? According to Calvinism, it would have to be after he fell, but yet Adam still responded to God and still heard God's voice even WHILE he was dead in his sin (Gen 3:9).
This is why I said on another thread that all heresies begin with a failure to understand the nature of God. You objected and claimed that it is because of a failure to understand sin. Not true. Men fail to understand how sin operates because they do not understand God's justice, holiness, or sovereignty. The very first thing that was emphasized in the Bible was GOD created the heavens and the earth. The Bible did not begin with a thesis on sin, but on God and His ability to create from nothing. Prior to Adam's sin, he did not have the knowledge of good and evil. Without the knowledge of evil, there was no knowledge of the justice of God. The difference though is that Adam did not NEED to know the justice of God because there was no need for it if he had chosen to obey God by avoiding the tree.
Eve's deception was based on believing what Satan said about God "Yeah hath God said?" Genesis 3:3. Therefore sin began by failing to comprehend and question the nature of God and failing to understand the nature of God ALWAYS leads to error and is the root of all heresy.
What is the #1 commandment? Love the Lord God. Thus if failing to understand sin was the primary cause of error, then knowledge of sin would be the priority in overcoming it. But if failure to understand the nature of God is the primary cause of error, then getting to know God for who He is would be the cure. Therefore, that is why the #1 commandment is to Love the Lord thy God because you can not have a proper understanding of sin, judgment, redemption without a proper understanding of the nature of God.
This flawed carnal reasoning is what gets you into trouble..you take a good verse then add wrong carnal ideas.
"Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?" Habakkuk 1:13
You call it flawed reasoning, I call it reading exactly what the Bible says. And all you did was summarily dismiss it with no attempt to explain why it was "flawed".
Wrong Jesus came into direct contact with the cursed creation and fallen men to accomplish redemption for the elect.You could not be more wrong.
Jesus did not come into contact with the sin. When He did, it was on the cross (2 Cor 5:21) that's when He cried out "My God My God why hast thou forsaken me" Matt 27:46. Sin was imputed to Christ to pay the penalty on behalf of all who deserve it, but Jesus still "knew no sin" 2 Cor 5:21.
Sin does not rule and reign independant over God,or God's control.....not even close.
I said that sin operated
independent of God, I did not say that sin RULED over God. This is exactly what I said:
"Sin has cursed humanity and all of creation. Gen 3:17. And thus God has permitted the earth and humanity to run their course in the direction that sin pushes it."
There is nothing in that statement that implies that I said sin rules
over God. The fact that sin reigns independently of God is exactly why Paul told believers to NOT LET IT. Romans 6:12. Paul even said that sin slew him. Romans 7:11. When God confronted Cain, it was said that "sin lieth at the door" Gen 4:7.
So yes, sin operates independently of God, and that is why it can be proven that God did not author sin nor is He the cause of it, but Calvinist theology ultimately leads to the opposite if God controls and perpetuates "ALL THINGS".