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'Natural Family' Ruled Hate Speech
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that Oakland officials had every right to silence the Christian perspective of city employees, Inside Bay Area reported.
After employees received an all-staff e-mail advertising a National Coming Out Day Rally, Regina Rederford and Robin Christy posted a flier advertising a pro-family discussion group.
"Good News Employee Association is a forum for people of Faith to express their views on the contemporary issues of the day," it read. "With respect for the Natural Family, Marriage and Family values."
Officials ordered the flier removed, saying it contained "statements of a homophobic nature" and promoted "sexual-orientation-based harassment." Management circulated a memo forbidding such a group.
A three-judge panel from the 9th Circuit upheld the city's policy.
"Public employers are permitted to curtail employee speech as long as their legitimate administrative interests outweigh the employees' interest in freedom of speech," the ruling said.
Bruce Hausknecht, judicial analyst for Focus on the Family Action, said it's disturbing that the federal courts would go out of their way to protect the city's actions in this case, especially when the issue of marriage is of such public importance.
"There is no reasonable basis for a government employer to allow gay activists to exercise a 'heckler's veto' over speech that, on its face, is perfectly civil," he said. "There was a time when pro-family and Christian views were not only permitted, but encouraged, by our courts, rather than sacrificed at the altar of the gay agenda."