These two things are not mutually exclusive.
Well, that's your opinion. Jesus said sin "must needs be", and I am not going to tell him he is wrong like some have done here.
Yes, we are in agreement that there was a purpose for allowing man to disobey God.
Now it is you reading into scripture, Jesus didn't say this, he simply said offences (sin) "must needs be". I would not go beyond that.
But when we get to heaven..... Again, you argument fails here. If God couldn't prevent sin earlier, what changed with God to give him the power over sin when we are all in heaven?
We know there will be no sin in heaven, because scripture says so;
Rev 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
I have already explained why there will be no sin in heaven. The moment we receive Jesus our spirit is joined to the Holy Spirit to be one new spirit. We are now a new creation, born again. We now share the divine nature. At the resurrection we receive an incorruptible body that will not pull or tug us toward sin. Thus, no sin in heaven.
Where do you get this from? Again, you are limiting the power of God to say he couldn't' have prevented sin.
God has some limits, God cannot lie, God cannot steal, etc...
God by his loving nature cannot make us robots that have no choice, thus sin is enabled and made possible. God cannot prevent our first sin unless he not create us at all, or he kills us before we can sin. That would prevent God from having fellowship with us, which he obviously desires. Now, after we sin, then God can justly destroy us, or cast us in prison (hell) to prevent us from defiling his society (heaven).
We are much different from God. God is sovereign and omnipotent, we are not.
Most of our laws are based on biblical principles. We allow men as much freedom as possible until they abuse that freedom and hurt others. Then we can justly take that freedom away.
But He will create a world without sin in the future. so you are wrong.
Not really, those who reject God shall be unholy and filthy still. Sin will exist forever, though it will be cast in the lake of fire. Those who choose Christ in this life receive the Holy Spirit now, and will receive an incorruptible body in heaven, and thus will never sin again.
And God could have done that before. He didn't for a purpose, but He could have done that. Remember, I'm not arguing that allowing man to disobey wasn't necessary to serve a greater purpose, but arguing against the idea that God was helpless when it comes to sin.
I do not believe God EVER desired sin. We read that God destroyed the first world because he was grieved at sin. God did know that man would sin, and so prepared that his Son Jesus would save men who believe.
If there is a purpose for sin, that would mean God was dependent on sin. I do not believe that, I simply believe that God must give any created beings in his image free will that necessarily enabled sin to occur. He could not do otherwise. God is love, he CANNOT make robots, just as he cannot lie or steal.
Sin could have been prevented by God. to say anything different to make God less powerful than sin. God has a purpose in allowing man to sin, but God wasn't powerless over sin. He allows man to sin. He will defeat sin.
God can certainly keep sin out of heaven and that is exactly what he is going to do. But those who are unholy and filthy will be unholy and filthy still;
Rev 22:11 He that is unjust, let him
be unjust
still: and he which is filthy, let him
be filthy
still: and he that is righteous, let him
be righteous
still: and he that is holy, let him
be holy
Rev 22:15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
There will be sin and sinners forever, but they will be WITHOUT, they will be kept out of heaven. Notice the word "be"... we will all exist FOREVER.
That's the difference between you and me. I believe, as the Bible teaches, that God is sovereign and omnipotent. You deny these truths.
No, you believe a man-made doctrine that absolutely perverts the Word of God.