No, Jon, I am not in the Gospel ministry.
The Lord has not seen fit to make me an evangelist.
From my perspective, the only thing that has to happen is the preaching of the word.
The same way I heard it when I believed would probably be a good template...
Plow the ground with the Law, for Gentiles.
Then preach Christ and Him crucified.
I don't know of any such thing in the Bible...would you please point out passages that show this concept?
I am making observations on how God's servants in the book of Acts went about preaching to the masses.
From my reading, I see that they went to public places ( street preaching and the like ), and that the passages that refer to going "house to house" are with respect to confirming the faith of those who had already believed.
"Follow-up" can describe it, I suppose.
To me, God is the one who gets conversions...follow up is only necessary if someone expresses interest or outright confesses Christ.
But I think I understand what you are referring to.
As I see it, that is what Paul did, in effect....that is where I see him going house to house.
To be clear, my main disagreement is with today's modern door-to-door style that has been prevalent for some years now, but was not common until maybe the last 100 years, if it even goes that far back.
As recently as the "Great Awakenings" in America, nothing like today's modern "door-to-door" efforts existed, as far as I am aware.
May God bless you sir.