I'd like to change the subject a bit and discuss a topic that is never spoken of in Christian Circles.
To begin with, let me say that I am a Born Again Christian. I do believe in the Lord and have accepted Jesus as my Savior. I also accept the Word in that when a believer dies they immediately find themselves in the presence of the Lord. I also believe that when the rich man died and opened his eyes he was in torment. Really, I fully believe this as I do the entire Word of God.
On occasion however, something pops up that's just out of the ordinary. For example, I just read a story of a young man who was born in 1946. In 1969 he found himself plagued with a recurring vision of an airplane exploding in mid-air. After seeking help from a talking doctor he was hypnotized and told the story of being 18 years old in the RAF during WW II. As a crew member on a bomber they were attacked by enemy fire and their plane did explode in mid-air. This happened in 1943. He named everyone on board, their location and flight path at the time of the attack, the mission they were on, etc.
Back then it was just another loss of an aircraft as we were in a World War. An exhaustive check of old RAF Records bore this mans story to be true.
General George Patton, according to witnesses and as depicted in the movie, described a battle field where he fought as a Roman Soldier.
A couple three years ago a small boy (6-8 years old) was visiting in Japan with his parents, as I recall, and when they arrived at this particular spot this child began telling of how he flew a fighter plane over that exact inlet where they were visiting to attack the enemy (Japanese) on the main island. He provided his name and rank and sure enough, a check of the records provided there was in fact a man by that name, a Lieutenant in the Navy who was a pilot and assigned to that area during the war. The record reflected that by wars end this young Lieutenant did fall to hostile enemy fire. At the time this story aired on the News Media world wide.
How do we explain this? What do you think of such?
Considering another phenomena, on average there are on average close to 250 (creditable) reports of Unidentified Flying Objects seen around the world every month. Many years ago my mother and I both witnessed several bright lights flying erratically and at an extreme high altitude while living in Southern California. I was just a child but can still remember the turn of events as if it happened yesterday.
Do I believe these are little green men from Mars? No. I do believe they are real however as a mirage or swamp gas simply will not return a solid blip on radar and then, when you consider actual video recording of such, how can one claim there's nothing to it?
I do not believe that haunting of old houses and battlefields are disembodied spirits looking for their heads or trying to find the light so they can pass over to the other side which is how most TV Drama portrays, but something is going on in some of these place.
Now, I really believe the Word of God to be silent on such matters as had there been any reference to such, way too many people would have been worshiping the phenomena rather than the Lord. In fact, there are way too many cults out there already that devote their time the worship of UFO's, the occult, etc.
So, not intending to shake any one's faith here, my intent is to merely explore your thoughts in these areas of our world that, as I said, are never spoken of in Christian Circles. Are what we see and hear part of the Great Deception? Are haunted houses filled with demons? Do we really have a total and complete firm grip on the handle of life as we think we do? Or, are there much more to the mysteries of our Lord and Savior that we just can't fathom?
Edgar Casey (whom it is claimed believed in the Lord) put forth a belief that life was like a ladder. When you died you kept coming back again and again until you finally came to realize the need for Salvation. At this point, when you died that was it. You didn't come back anymore.
One final matter. It was recently discovered by X-ray that I have a perfectly square tiny piece of something metallic deep in my left hip. This item is extremely thin and can be seen only from a "head on" shot. A sideways X-ray does not reflect it. The doctor accused me of being hit in combat by a small piece of shrapnel.
There is a doctor out there who would be interested in removing this thing as he considers it an "alien implant". Well, it is something "alien" in my hind parts but I don't know if I really want to know what it is, nor do I believe that one of those little green men put it there.
Okay, there it is. Don't be too hard on me. One doesn't know unless they ask.
To begin with, let me say that I am a Born Again Christian. I do believe in the Lord and have accepted Jesus as my Savior. I also accept the Word in that when a believer dies they immediately find themselves in the presence of the Lord. I also believe that when the rich man died and opened his eyes he was in torment. Really, I fully believe this as I do the entire Word of God.
On occasion however, something pops up that's just out of the ordinary. For example, I just read a story of a young man who was born in 1946. In 1969 he found himself plagued with a recurring vision of an airplane exploding in mid-air. After seeking help from a talking doctor he was hypnotized and told the story of being 18 years old in the RAF during WW II. As a crew member on a bomber they were attacked by enemy fire and their plane did explode in mid-air. This happened in 1943. He named everyone on board, their location and flight path at the time of the attack, the mission they were on, etc.
Back then it was just another loss of an aircraft as we were in a World War. An exhaustive check of old RAF Records bore this mans story to be true.
General George Patton, according to witnesses and as depicted in the movie, described a battle field where he fought as a Roman Soldier.
A couple three years ago a small boy (6-8 years old) was visiting in Japan with his parents, as I recall, and when they arrived at this particular spot this child began telling of how he flew a fighter plane over that exact inlet where they were visiting to attack the enemy (Japanese) on the main island. He provided his name and rank and sure enough, a check of the records provided there was in fact a man by that name, a Lieutenant in the Navy who was a pilot and assigned to that area during the war. The record reflected that by wars end this young Lieutenant did fall to hostile enemy fire. At the time this story aired on the News Media world wide.
How do we explain this? What do you think of such?
Considering another phenomena, on average there are on average close to 250 (creditable) reports of Unidentified Flying Objects seen around the world every month. Many years ago my mother and I both witnessed several bright lights flying erratically and at an extreme high altitude while living in Southern California. I was just a child but can still remember the turn of events as if it happened yesterday.
Do I believe these are little green men from Mars? No. I do believe they are real however as a mirage or swamp gas simply will not return a solid blip on radar and then, when you consider actual video recording of such, how can one claim there's nothing to it?
I do not believe that haunting of old houses and battlefields are disembodied spirits looking for their heads or trying to find the light so they can pass over to the other side which is how most TV Drama portrays, but something is going on in some of these place.
Now, I really believe the Word of God to be silent on such matters as had there been any reference to such, way too many people would have been worshiping the phenomena rather than the Lord. In fact, there are way too many cults out there already that devote their time the worship of UFO's, the occult, etc.
So, not intending to shake any one's faith here, my intent is to merely explore your thoughts in these areas of our world that, as I said, are never spoken of in Christian Circles. Are what we see and hear part of the Great Deception? Are haunted houses filled with demons? Do we really have a total and complete firm grip on the handle of life as we think we do? Or, are there much more to the mysteries of our Lord and Savior that we just can't fathom?
Edgar Casey (whom it is claimed believed in the Lord) put forth a belief that life was like a ladder. When you died you kept coming back again and again until you finally came to realize the need for Salvation. At this point, when you died that was it. You didn't come back anymore.
One final matter. It was recently discovered by X-ray that I have a perfectly square tiny piece of something metallic deep in my left hip. This item is extremely thin and can be seen only from a "head on" shot. A sideways X-ray does not reflect it. The doctor accused me of being hit in combat by a small piece of shrapnel.
There is a doctor out there who would be interested in removing this thing as he considers it an "alien implant". Well, it is something "alien" in my hind parts but I don't know if I really want to know what it is, nor do I believe that one of those little green men put it there.
Okay, there it is. Don't be too hard on me. One doesn't know unless they ask.