Good Post, HAMel!
You present some honest, candid questions as you reveal things about yourself that many try to push down and hide.
Let me say this about people who claim to have been vivid, proved accountings of past historical events. Have you noticed that most of these accounts are of something in history that can be traced back to and proven, which in turn, opens eyes, minds and hearts to believe the possibility?
This is the work of Satan and his minions. Remember, those little imps have been around since the creation of earth, and they have a lifetime of historical facts. It is not impossible for these demons to either possess, or oppress, the mind and spirit of living flesh, and cause them to see and believe they were actually in that place at that time.
What I find interesting is that none of the people claiming to have lived before with stories that are from mere, common folk without a traceable history. Who will remember any of us a thousand years from now? And if someone comes back and claims to be HAMel, it may not be that impressive to the living, at least not impressive enough to turn heads with that all important "Wow!" factor! Satan lives for sensationalism to sell his lies!
This is what fortune tellers live for. They can't tell the future, but they can gather things from a demonic source about the person paying for the fortune to be read, and wow and impress their socks off. From that info, they can make some pretty good guesses, about the future, but that is it. It is demonic, and there to trip up the average person.
The UFO's are another story. I have no explanation as to what many have claimed to see, but the devil does have the ability to form thoughts within the minds of man, and that could include seeing things that don't exist!
Haunted houses are nothing more than demons taking the form of people who have passed, again, to cause a stir, and discredit God.
I believe all you ask is relevant to the fact that Satan is out to deceive not only the individual, but the masses, and he uses whatever forms of lies he can conjure up to cause people to take their eyes off Jesus, create public contraversay, and present and plant those little seeds of doubt within the minds of people, which surely can be used to make mankind wonder if these things exist, and if they do, then how can the Bible or God be true?
De ja vu is best explained as memory getting caught up in the moment.
There is a thing called mass hyponosis, and I believe that Satan is the master of getting the masses to see, believe, and act upon things that he puts out there in an attempt to cause just enough doubt to keep the lost, lost! And the saved, questionning!
I hate to give Satan credit for anything, but, the truth is, he is alive and well, and doing his best to keep the highway to hell filled to beyond capacity!
One more thing that Satan is good at doing is causing believers not to believe that God can do supernatural things. He does not want believers to think that God is so awesome that He can have a fish swallow a wayward Jonah. Alternatively, be present in a fire with Shadrack, Meshak and Abendigo. Alternatively, that he could conquer death through the resurrection itself! The devil does not want believers to know that Angels are just as close and present as demons, and that these angelic beings are here to protect us, and do things within the supernatural realm.
There is so much that we will never understand until we close our eyes in the flesh and open our eyes in the spirit and presence of God. This is the awesome side of our Father, and I have no doubt in His superior abilities over evil, the devil, and his menacing minions!
If we as believers are supposed to believe everything in His Word, than we must also believe that there are constant efforts by the devil to thwart the work of the Father here on earth.
I believe God created the world, and all that we know and see around us. I believe everything the Bible teaches. I have no doubt in any of the fantastic things reported in the OT, and the New. And I, like you, believe that I am saved, my name is in the Lamb's book of life, and when I take my last breath, I'll be with my Lord. Everything else is merely there to trip us up, create a sliver of doubt, and shake our faith as much as it can.
Happy Resurrection Day, HAMel,
Pastor Paul :type: