I get sick of people showing the Twin Towers explosion in order to whip up more unrighteous indignation against peoples who have nothing to do with it.
They did not do this at all. There is no way these events could have happened without the connivance of our government.
I didn't use to believe these theories, but finally a few major inconsistencies seemed pretty damning:
1. Building 7 falling down on its own footprint - and the changing story of how it fell. If you can, check out Dan Rather's reporting at the time. I still remember this.
2. The lack of aircraft evidence from the Shanksville crash. Planes don't just dissolve in the earth like butter in oatmetal. That metal - lots of it - is totally unaccounted for. Oh wait, there was a bandana. And a convenient passport. Please.
3. There is no record on camera of a plane hitting the Pentagon. Surely Washington DC - our capital! - would have several redundant surveillance networks that should have given us footage.
4. The hole in the Pentagon was missile-shaped, certainly not from an airplane of the size required in the official narrative.
5. 3.2 trillion dollars goes missing, Rumsfeld announces just the day before.
These 5 are just for starters. I don't know what I feel worse about: how far we have sunk as a government, or how dumb we have become as a people that we would willingly turn a blind eye to this huge, huge mountain of evidence.
I guess the answer to that last question is seen in the response of all too many people to the Covid situation, blindly trusting government pronouncements as gospel truth.