Fortunately, for 2000 years of church history, before the 21st century, most Christians stood strongly against anyone changing scripture. So, damage to the manuscripts was minor. Unfortunately, in our no-longer-Christian society, people who think themselves followers of God have little hesitation changing scripture to have God follow them, and their equally irreverent peers applaud them for bringing out "what Paul really meant."
For over 1000 of those years, there was no translation given to “most Christians.”
The Latin Vulgate was steeped in heracy. See
The Latin Vulgate Unmasked At Last!!
What a wondrous work God performed to bring the Scriptures to our hands.
But what frights me is not so much the version translation. But, given all that is at the touch of a few buttons, that familiarity is breeding contempt, and do not forget that Scripture statement, “to whom much is given...”.
That given to the world in the last 50 years surpasses what the KJ.v translators had available, the Geneva folks would drool over, and Luther and Tyndall could never imagine.
How much more will we be held responsible for treating as casual the Scriptures.