It is not how I want to use the terms. The issue is how God uses not just the terms but the larger idea. I realize that "social justice" is Marxist code for their evil agenda. And, yes, Marxism is evil.
To the extent that the church promotes political and national mechanisms in its bylaws and self-definition to that extant they are stifling their God-intended purpose. Our kingdom is not of this world. The best way for us to truly impact the world is for us to be salt and light, individually and corporately. That means, of course, witnessing, discipling, and equipping saints. It also means doing what - in the suspicious sites of some - seems like Marxism - Social justice.
Besides all this, why is there even a need for those two items? If the church would stick to teaching the Bible the true members of the Church would instinctively do those things. No mandate is needed.
The issue of patriotism is also not needed. A true Christian, in a church that preaches the Word, should understand the very real, but limited, obligation he has to his country. Give unto Caesar the things due to him. But too many pastors are treating patriotism - American patriotism, to be exact - as part of Gods Word. It is not. Not only does this dilute the message we should be telling, it alienates American Christians from the much larger body of Christians throughout the world, brothers and sisters who have a conflicting sense of what patriotism is for them.