Catholics have not been expelled from this site; they have often been driven because of the consistent rudeness (labelling them a false cult, condemning them to Hell, etc.) , and dogmatic pontifications without concrete biblical substantiation. It would be convenient for the anti-Catholic bigots here if I were a Catholic defending my doctrinal turf. In fact, I am a Methodist who is defending Catholic distinctives here because of their unchristian treatment by Baptists and because I know by direct experience over many years that Catholic Bible scholarship is far more respected in secular scholarly circles, that do not embrace Catholic doctrine.
Also, I know by direct experience that the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin is a fascinating issue for many intellectual unchurched people and therefore an excellent tool for pre-evangelism. It provides a marvelous way to open hearts and minds who have previously dismissed Gospel testimony as totally legendary. What especially irks me is not Baptist dissent, but Baptist closed-mindedness that prevents them from even engaging in serious research on the Big Questions that might force them out of the comfort zone of their myopic Ghetto.