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Piper 2

New Member
They don't stop people from posting there. They just don't want paedobaptists to try and convert baptists. Calvary Chapel is so close to most Baptists, my personal opinion is that you're safe.


New Member
Thanks just wondering because technically I don’t call myself a Baptist since I am a nondenominational Christian but I do follow the Baptist’s mode of baptism.


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Do I have to be attending a Baptist church to be allowed to post in the Baptists only section?

I currently attend Calvary Chapel and they also practice believer’s baptism by immersion.
No, but as Baptists you need to share our common beliefs.

We believe the Bible is God's inspirited word, and even though our current day copies may contain errors introduced in the transmission over time, the bible remains reliable and trustworthy, and is our final authority, rather than some creed, confession or tradition.

We believe in the Trinity, one God in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each eternal and never created.

We do not have a common understanding of End Times, some believe in a 1000 year reign of Christ on earth, others do not.

We do not have a common understanding of Salvation, some are Calvinists, and others disagree with the TULIP in all or in part.

We do not have a common understanding of Spiritual Gifts, some believe the Sign and Wonder gifts as ceased, others do not.

We know we see through a glass darkly, some erring on the side of Legalism and some on the side Licentiousness.

We believe in the separation of church and state, which means those wielding governmental power should not dictate what we believe publicly or in assembly.