And this by
This conversation has helped reinforce how difficult it is to have complicated conversations about nuanced theological views in this kind of a forum.
"Nuanced?" You mean too subtle for the boy who drives the plow—something truly understood only by theological academes, from whom the plowboy should eagerly accept instruction.
A plowboy could easily understand the issues at hand if he took the time to inform himself.
The real issue here is not intelligence or learning, but close-minded arrogance, fear and lack of humility.
If you won’t take the time to inform yourself of the issues by reading things in context from primary source, not just the opinions of people trying to sway your opinion, then you really have no ground on which to make a credible claim.
This is not the nature of the Gospel.
Yes, there is a great simplicity to the Gospel, especially as one enters into the Kingdom of God, but there is also an enormous depth and profundity to it which the plowboy (and the rest of us) will spend the rest of our mortal lives trying to comprehend and master, that is, if we are truly faithful disciples of Jesus.
There are no nuances. All things are naked and opened.
Not so. If the gospel were simple, God would have given it to us in a form of something like a "Four Spiritual Laws" tract and left it at that.
But instead, God gave us an extensive body of scripture which is enormously complex and spans thousands of years and many cultures. Furthermore, we have to filter our communal understanding of the gospel of the Kingdom of God through 2,000 years of insights, errors, reactions, counter-reactions, abuses, affirmations, misplaced emphases, and the infusion of ideas from the ever-present kingdoms of the world which attempt to infiltrate the church.
Moreover, even the Apostle Peter, who trained at the right hand of Jesus for at least three years and was a powerful leader of the early church
struggled to understand Paul’s writings... and he lived in the same culture and context as Paul!
Who are you to assert that the writings of Paul are easy to understand, have “no nuances” and are “naked and opened”?
Perhaps you are smarter and wiser than Peter?
The plowboy receives the same Spirit as the academe, and the Gospel is communicated in simplicity and godly sincerity...
Ultimately, these discussions are fairly simple and sincere if you have prepared yourself for the discussion. The problem is, most non-theologians have not prepared, and frankly, don’t need to be prepared because they have ministers who will help them with these issues.
I don’t have to go to law school and get a law degree so I can properly review a contract before I sign it... I instead retain the services of an attorney who knows all of the ins and outs of contracts. However, if I want to discuss contract law and make grand pronouncements about what is valid and what is not, I would be an arrogant fool not to immerse myself in extensive study in order to speak legitimately and helpfully in that context.
In the same way, if I am not interested in immersing myself in theological studies and familiarize myself with the intricacies of what someone means and doesn’t mean by their assertions, then I am acting as an arrogant fool if I condemn the whole field of study and the specific people involved.
Of course, that doesn't stop people from making faulty and condemning attacks on others simply because it "sounds different" than what they have heard before or it conflicts with their religious tradition or deeply cherished beliefs. We see that here.
Proverbs 29:9