So the Dems were cooking the results during the primary to keep Trump in the lead and depress the voters of the other GOP candidates. Good to know, just more proof that Trump is a Trojan Horse for the Dems.
Funny how Trump loved to boast about his poll numbers when he was up, but now that they are down they are rigged. He can't have it both ways, either they are always rigged somehow, or he is really doing badly in the polls, just as he was doing ok in the polls compared to 17 other people.
As I said its not always easy to "rig" the polls.
It depends on many factors.
Also I have freely admitted that the Trump-ists are also poll manipulators.
Of course they all strut around like the proverbial Rooster, even Hillary (though to me a loud hen is more fitting to her description ) when they are in the lead and proclaim the truth (They are not to be trusted) when they are down.
Polls are NOT to be trusted no matter who you are going to vote for, no matter what they say about your candidate.
Anyway Both sides apparently are "of this world".
To me the lesser of two evils is Trump (sorry No-Trumpers).