Baptists and Catholics (as well as most other denominations) believe that abortion is wrong. This is only a chance event, not a belief based on common values.
Jesus Christ is the standard of all Truth, in fact, is Truth. When Pilate asked, what is truth, he was looking at Truth right in the eye. Now, to have the moral authority to tell a politician, or other famous person they are in fact wrong, and cannot take communion, that entity must reflect Truth, that being, Jesus Christ. Baptists and their ancestors, since Christ, have endeavored to preserve the New Testement Church, and preach the Gospel for what it is, the grace of God by faith in the death, burial, and Ressurection of Jesus Christ, where our hope lies. It is nothing more or nothing less. We have the moral authority of a New Testement Church.
The RCC has so perverted and warped Scripture with magic acts, myths, human traditions, ceremonies, hocus pocus, and regenerational nonsense, that there message is light years from the truth. There is no similance between the RCC and the NT church of the Bible. Therefore, the RCC has no moral authority to tell anyone how to live their life or relate to Scripture. There is nothing more meaningless than a Catholic official telling John Kerry that he cannot take communion because of his abortion stance. How can an apostate organization tell anyone a standard? Communion within the RCC has no substantive meaning, and neither does their stance on abortion. It is almost comical, the thought of a cardinal, bishop, Pope or whatever giving anyone direction on leading a Christ filled life.
Because Baptists and Catholics agree on abortion does not give the Catholic Church the moral authority to condemn abortion, only a true New Testement Church built on what Jesus Christ taught has the divine authority to do such.
So, if I were John Kerry (praise the Lord I am not), I would not give the RCC disagreement with my pro abortion stance a second thought, and as far as not being allowed to take communion, it would not upset me a lot to be denied participation in a meaningless ceremony. What would bother me as a Christian is the Holy Spirit in me telling me that abortion is murder, as the Bible says. It would bother me because my sins have been forgiven by Jesus Christs finished work on the cross, and from faith in Him, the difference between right and wrong become crystal clear. The decision is not made from some edict of a long dead church official in the RCC.