Trump appeared on RT and criticized America.
In an interview Thursday, Donald Trump was asked what surprised him most about the American press. "Well, I think the
dishonesty of the media," the Republican presidential hopeful responded, with little hesitation. "The media has been unbelievably dishonest."
That Trump has an unfavorable view of American journalism will surprise few — for months, his campaign kept a "blacklist" of news organizations, including The Washington Post, and he has frequently complained publicly about a perceived bias against him.
But his outlet for venting this frustration may have been more surprising. Trump's comments came during an
interview with Larry King that was aired on RT America — part of a state-owned Russian media organization that critics accuse of propagandistic aims and poor journalistic standards.
"Reagan never gave interviews to Pravda while campaigning to be our president," Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia, wrote on Twitter, referring to the official newspaper of the Soviet Union. "Who advised Trump to appear on RT?"
The interview was featured prominently by RT and billed as an "exclusive." On Twitter,
RT editor in chief Margarita Simonyan shared a triumphant message about the interview: "We did it!"